The Beginning

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     The sound of loud clicking emits from a futuristic looking computer where a boy is speedily clicking on a keyboard. He stops typing for what seems to be minutes, before hastily returning to his fingers to the keyboard. His eyes are puffy and red from staring at the computer screen, but you can still see the dazzling but soft brown they offered. He shook his head and cupped his face into his hands, while breathing in a shaky breath.

    This boy, is Dipper Pines, a boy that looks to be just a normal freshman hiding amongst the crowd. That was exactly who he was, a nobody, and that was how he liked it. He had a few friends here and there, but he was never above anyone. Dipper always felt like he belonged though, like a puzzle piece that's needed to finish the picture. When describing himself to Stan, he would say, "Like the kid whose assigned the tree in the play. I stay in the background and sway."

     Dipper began to slowly move the mouse as he began to skim what he just wrote. While the summer went by, he picked up the hobby of writing. He would write anything, from a poem about a trees leaves, to a short story of a frog jumping. Right now though, he chose to write something more dear to him. Horror, mystery, science fiction, adventure, anything that was creepy or had monsters in it he enjoyed.  So, it's not that surprising that his book would be of the tales his family passed right?

"Dipper!" A loud yell came from the basement, "it's time for supper!" The young boy stood up from his bed and stretched. This is how days usually went in the Pines house. Dipper would stay in his room until supper, then go back upstairs and finish his story. His other family members stayed downstairs most of the day, watching movies or playing games together. Dipper wasn't antisocial, his story was just important to him. His family understood that, and they even cheered him on to finish it.

          Dipper walked towards the wood door and opened it. He smiled at the smell of food that wafted through the house.

The boy walked towards the door to his bedroom and opened it. He walked down the stairway and towards the dining room. There sat his Mom, and his twin sister. Dipper walked to the table and sat down at an open chair. On the table was a ham, mashed potatoes, green beans, and a plate of rolls.

"So Mason," his Mom said, "how is your story going?" His Mom was a beautiful woman. She had light skin, with freckles dotting her body. She had bright brown eyes, and hair that went down to her shoulders. At the ends, her hair was slightly curled. She had a rounded face, just like Mabel's. Her name was Ariel.

"Mom I told you to call me Dipper!" He said with a chuckle as he filled up his cup with milk. He looked up to his Mom to see a wide smile on her face. "It's going good Mom, I already have two chapters done!" Dipper smiled back at her and got a scoop of mashed potatoes.

"Oh honey you know I love your name. I wish you'd like it as much though! It's a beautiful name, and it was your Father's idea!" His Mother said with a wink.

"Mooom," Dipper whined and picked up some pieces of ham, "Dipper makes me feel better! And Dipper is so much cooler than Alex."

"Oh whatever, Sir Dipper," she said teasingly, "your wish is my command."

Dipper let out a bubbly laugh. He picked up the rest of his food, and then they all waited for Dipper's Dad to come eat. Mabel grabbed an extra napkin and secretly started putting green beans and mashed potatoes on it. She put her roll on it as well, before setting it on her lap.

'I wonder what she's doing with the extra food,' Dipper thought while looking at his sister, 'maybe she's just really hungry and wants to eat in her room.'

Mabel looked up from her lap and up to Dipper. Dipper pointed at the food in her lap and cocked an eyebrow. She nodded to him and held up her index finger. She put her finger down and then pointed with it towards the back door.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2019 ⏰

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