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Harley Anderson

I rest my head in the palms of my hands as I groan.

"Don't you think we've attended enough of these parties?" I ask incredulously, looking up to see Audrey giving me a deadpan look.

Audrey, once again, is trying to drag me to another party tonight. However, this time I more adamant not to go simply because I'm exhausted and the last time I went to a party, I got myself wasted and had a shitty hangover. But then again, I would also love a distraction.

"Oh come on!" She whines, sitting on the chair opposite me. "Please come!"

I shake my head. "I plan on binge watching Friends tonight." I state, scraping my chair back and placing my plate in the sink. I begin washing it, assuming that our conversation is over from the silence.

"Cameron will be there." She adds hopefully and I pause my actions, the temptation growing ever so slightly. I rinse my dish off.

"Why would that change anything?" I ask with a laugh.

"Oh come on. We both know you like spending time with him."

With my back towards her, I don't have to keep up a mask so I let my eyebrows furrow. "Maybe so, but I'm not going to go to the party just because he's there."

I place my plate on the rack and turn around to see Audrey pouting at me.

"Please," she whines again and I roll my eyes, pinching her cheeks on my way to my room.

"Nice try but this time I'm not budging." I laugh, closing my bedroom door and jumping onto my bed to lay down.

Twenty minutes later, when I'm busy painting my toenails, my phone begins to ring and I awkwardly reach for it on my bedside table while trying not to smudge the paint on my toes. My heart involuntarily picks up speed when I notice the name and I scowl at myself before pressing the phone to my ear.

"Hey Cameron." I greet.

"Morning. How are you?" He asks, his voice still raspy from sleep and I try not to drool from the sexiness of it.

"I'm fine. You?"

"All good. Look, I'm not going to be able to teach you today." He starts and I pout with disappointment "Emery needs me at the tracks and since we have a party tonight, we can't do it later."

"Wait, you're going to the party?" I ask with a frown. I thought Audrey was just baiting me.

"Yes? Aren't you?" He asks, his voice confused and I purse my lips.

It's not like I'm going to sleep tonight anyway so I might as well go out and enjoy myself. I do need a distraction after all...

"Obviously." I respond.

"Well I'll see you tonight then." He says and I smile, bidding him goodbye before cutting the call and letting out a sigh.

"Audrey!" I call out and she comes bouncing into my room a few moments later.


I roll my eyes. "Help me straighten my hair?" I ask, a small smile on my face. Her face lights up before she squeals and throws herself onto my bed.


Like usual, the party is crowded with people and has R&B music blasting through the speakers in the makeshift dancefloor and like usual, Audrey is already downing a bottle of vodka just as we walk in.

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