Chapter 2

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Louis rang the bell, standing in front of the speaker as he sighed. He was freezing and he guessed it was only going to take a couple more days before snow would fall from the sky. He loved to adore snow sitting behind the window, or to make a snowman with his sisters, but living on the streets while it snowed didn’t sound too pleasant.

“Hello?” There was no way he wouldn’t reconize the irish accent coming through the speaker. The guy was called Niall he believed. “It’s Louis, I’m here for my signature.” “Oh, right! I’ll open the gate!”  He said as Louis wondered how the hell he could be so cheery in the morning.

The gate opened as Louis sighed. Everything here just looked perfect. He’d never admit it to anyone else but himself, but he did feel kinda guilty about what he said yesterday. Then again he couldn’t have possibly seen that Harry was sitting in a wheelchair since the desk covered it all up, but still.

Walking inside he spotted the hyper-active blonde bouncing soon enough. “I’ll show you around!” He said happily, grabbing Louis’ arm as he dragged him inside. Louis would have been annoyed if it wasn’t for the fact he didn’t have to feel the cold clinging to his body as long as he was in here. He didn’t quite understand why he was shown around though, but didn’t question it.

After an hour of walking around they finally reached the kitchen. There was a guy with black hair and a tinted skin cooking. “That’s Zayn.” The guy turned at the mention of his name. “So you’re the new nurse huh?”  Zayn questioned. I frown. “What are you talking about?”  “NOTHING!!!” The blonde claimed with a thick irish accent. Louis guessed it was irish atleast.

Niall’s deadly glare into Zayn’s direction didn’t escape Louis, but he just shrugged it off. “I’m Zayn.” The guy said anyways. “Louis.”  Louis just mumbled, stomach making a rumble at the smell of the food he was sure would taste delicious. Zayn grinned. “Just go to Harry, I’ll serve some food for you too.” Louis smiled weakly. “Thanks.”

Niall kept on rambling as they walked through the hallway again, but Louis wasn’t actually listening. He was having a look at the pool outside. It was massive and looked awesome. He could only dream of having such luxury in his backyard. Hahaha… He didn’t have a backyard.

Stupid flat.

Louis nearly bumped into the Irish man when he suddenly stopped walking and opened a door. They both entered as Louis noticed how Liam was lifting Harry and settled him in a wheelchair. Harry looked exhausted really. Maybe he had a bad night.

“Harry, Louis’ here.” The curly haired lad looked as Louis could now see his eyes. They were big, doll like and a beautiful green color. Louis now understood why he wore sunglasses. He couldn’t exactly face someone directly and it looked kinda weird.

“I signed your paper.”  Harry said with a slight smile. “Though I’d say you consider taking the job.” Niall suddenly randomly said making Louis frown. “Why would I?” Louis asked. “Because you seem like a fun person.” “I don’t think so.” Liam scoffed, while going through drawers. “Liam, his sunglasses are on the nightstand.” Niall stated as Liam rolled his eyes and walked over there.

“He wouldn’t keep up with the job for two weeks I bet.”  The curly haired boy chuckled as he put the sunglasses on after Liam handed them to him. I can’t help it but feel kinda offended. “And what makes you think that?” Louis scoffed, putting his hands on my hips.

“Well, you don’t mind living of other people’s backs now, do you? Doesn’t the signature prove it?”  “I bet I can keep up with this job for a month.” Louis threw back at him. “With that attitude I give you 2 ½ weeks.” Harry chuckled. “I’ll prove it.” Liam sighed. “Harry, are you sure about this?” “Yes.” Harry said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2014 ⏰

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