Cody Anderson x Reader - Friends

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Song: Friends By: Marshmellow & Anne-Marie

    You couldn't believe that you were chosen to star in the newest reality tv series, Total Drama Island. You were nervous to leave home for eight weeks to live with twenty-two complete strangers, but there was one thing that kept you going; Cody.

    You met Cody when you transferred to his school in the fourth grade. Ever since you met, things just clicked. You guys did everything together; sports, clubs, and even vacations! He was one of the best friends you ever had.

    But once you got to the island, Cody changed. It seemed like he was using this as a chance to get a girlfriend. Back home, Cody wasn't very popular. The entire student body classified him as a nerdy outcast, and no one wanted to date him. In fact, it seemed like picking on him was a graduation requirement with how many people would find some way to make fun of him on any given day. But now, he was trying to act cool and suave to land a date with one of the female contestants.

    You didn't care that Cody was trying to get a girlfriend. In fact, you encouraged it. You were one of Cody's only friends, and as much as you loved hanging out with him, you also wanted him to have more connections than just you.

    However, what you did care about was that once he was turned down by almost every girl in camp, he used most of his energy to hit on you.

    Cody was one of the best friends you could ever ask for, but that was it. You could never think of him as your boyfriend; he's merely your dorky best friend that lives down the street.

    So when he showed up outside of your cabin at two in the morning after a boring, rainy day at camp, you were done with it.

    "Cody? What are you doing here?" you yawned tiredly as you slipped out of the cabin as to not wake up your teammates.

    "I love you, (Y/N)," he shamelessly confessed, causing you to glare.

    "You're crazy," you sighed before turning around to go back to bed. It was too early for you to deal with this now.

    "Wait!" he called after you, "I'm not crazy! I really, really love you!"

    "We can't be anything more than friends. You're not my lover; you're like my brother! We've known each other since we were ten!" you exclaimed exasperatedly. Why didn't he get the hint?

    "So? We've known each other forever. Why wouldn't we work out?" he asked like it was apparent.

    "Don't mess our friendship up talking about this! You're only going to push me away, Cody, if you don't stop," you threatened.

    "But I love you! I can't stand this space between us!" Cody yelled with puppy dog eyes.

    "Don't give me that look Cody. You really aren't going away without a fight, are you?" you sighed annoyedly.

    "What fight? We're just talking!" Cody pointed out.

    "You just can't be reasoned with, Cody! I'm really done being polite!" you warned with a glare.

    "Don't be like that, baby girl," Cody tried to sweet talk you as he moved to wrap his arms around your waist.

    "Haven't I made myself clear? We are just friends! F-R-I-E-N-D-S!" you groaned as you smacked his hands away from you.

    "Please, (Y/N), just give me a chance-"

    "NO! You will not get a chance. I don't like you like that, I like Trent!" you confessed before you gasped and covered your mouth, leaving the two of you to stand there in awkward silence.

    "...So you do like Trent. I knew it," Cody smirked knowingly at you.

    "What are you talking about?" you asked as you felt your heart rate increase.

    "I knew you liked Trent; your body language gave it all away when you were with him! I mean, come on, (Y/N)! I'm your best friend, I'm supposed to know stuff like this!" Cody grinned at you.

    "...What does this have to do with anything?..." you trailed off confusedly.

    "I needed to hit on you so that you would confess your secret! Even though I knew about your crush, I needed you to confirm it! And you're not exactly the kind of person to sit down and share your feelings with people," he chuckled as he spilled his evil plan.

    "So that's why you kept bugging me? Because you wanted to know about my love life?" you groaned as you hid your face behind your hands. How did you fall for such a lame trick?

    "Hey, don't be embarrassed," he smiled as he rubbed your back while pulling your face out from your hiding spot, "It's just me that knows. You know, your best friend?"

    You giggled at his awkwardness. "Yes, my best friend."

    "Well, guess what? Now that it's confirmed, I'm going to set you two up!" Cody triumphed before walking away with a wink.

    "Cody, wait-" you called after him before being cut off.

    "Nope, we will discuss more in the morning! Now, off to bed with you! You need your beauty sleep to impress Trent!" Cody ordered you.

    You sighed before turning around to walk back into the cabin, but not before mumbling to yourself with a big smile.

    "What an idiot."

Yay, my first Total Drama story! I hope you guys enjoyed it! If you have any requests, please leave them in the comments or PM me! :)

Total Drama x Reader OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora