Trent Cooper x Reader - The Cheater

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    You couldn't believe it - after such a long time at this boring, irritating camp, you finally got the man of your dreams! After confessing your undying feelings to Trent the night before, Trent returned them with the same passion! The two of you agreed to date in secret, fearing that the other contestants would only see your newly-kindled relationship as a threat.

    Ever since you guys agreed to date, things just kept getting better and better! The next morning, you woke up to a beautiful card asking you to meet him at the piers for your first date later that afternoon. You were beyond ecstatic as you hugged the card to your chest while wearing one of the broadest smiles on your face.

    That afternoon, you practically skipped down to the docks, the excitement bubbling out of you as you floated onward. You hadn't stopped smiling since that morning, and you didn't expect to stop smiling any time soon. You still held onto the card as well, refusing to let go of such a beautiful reminder of your new relationship status.

    Your mind wandered all day, continually envisioning different scenarios for your date. The note wasn't detailed, leaving your mind to dream up the activities itself. The two of you could go swimming, or maybe Trent found a boat and you guys would row out to the middle of the lake and spend some much-needed quality time alone together. Still, you guys might take a romantic walk on the beach, or even hide under the dock to talk like Lindsay and Tyler did a few weeks ago.

    However, your fantasies were cut short when you approached the dock, only to come face to face with the worst scene ever.

    Trent was there, but he wasn't alone. He was with Heather.

    Heather was on top of your boyfriend, the two of them making out with each other as if their lives depended on it. Trent's hands rested on Heather's chest, while Heather tangled her hands in his long, jet black hair. You watched as Heather lifted her leg to wrap around Trent's hip, only for him to push her back down.

    If this were a cartoon, smoke would've shot out of your ears, and you would've been as red as a tomato.

    Even though you didn't turn physically red, you could only see that color as you marched angrily towards the unlikely couple, glaring daggers at them the entire time. You made no effort to hide your disdain as you tapped Heather roughly on the shoulder.

    "Oh, it's you," Heather smirked down at you knowingly as she took a break from the makeout session, "Can't you leave us alone? We're trying to have some fun-"

    You cut her off with a hard punch to the face, sending her flying back as she clutched her nose in pain.

    "Hey, watch the face, you geek!" Heather screamed at you in horror, but you didn't care. You had had enough of Heather's attitude, and now she finally crossed the line. You were going to show her what happened to annoying prissy girls like her back in your hometown.

    You jumped at her, your entire body weight falling on her as you attacked her with punch after punch. No part of her body was left unscathed as you continued with your barrage of attacks, even going as far as to rip handfuls of her precious hair from her head. You zoned out, paying no attention to her screams of pain as you lost yourself in a cloud of red.

    Suddenly, you felt yourself being lifted into the air and pulled into a muscular body behind you, a sudden pine tree aroma filling your nose. You would know that scent from anywhere; it was Trent.

    "GET OFF OF ME YOU SICKO!" you screamed at the top of your lungs as you flailed wildly against him.

    "What are you doing? You've done enough!" Trent bellowed as he tried his best to restrain you.

    "Oh, I'm so sorry that I hurt your precious girlfriend," you snapped at him as sarcastically as you could manage while you rolled your eyes.

    "She's not my girlfriend; I thought you were!" Trent growled, "Before she came here and told me what you really think!"

    "Oh, enlighten me, what do I really think? You know, besides the fact that you're a two-timing weasel that should be exterminated," you snarled before head-butting him, causing him to drop you.

    "You're the one who thinks I'm just a cliche who plays horrible music!" Trent snapped as he glared down at you.

    "Oh yeah? Where'd you get that idea, Einstein?" you mouthed off as you rolled your eyes at the accusation.

    "Heather told me," he scoffed while you brushed yourself off and rose to your feet.

    "I can't believe you would believe the lies of that hag over the truth of your girlfriend!" you spat while getting in his face.

    Unfortunately for Trent and Heather, the commotion soon gained the attention of one of your best friends at the camp, LeShauna. Once she heard you screaming, she raced down to the docks to help you.

    "What happened here?" she gasped as she saw you and Trent glaring at each other. She was the only person on the entire island that you confided in about your feelings for Trent, so she knew something terrible had to have happened.

    "He kissed Heather," you spoke her name with such disgust you were surprised you didn't throw up in the process.

    "You no good, two-timing cheater!" LeShauna exploded angrily as she prepared herself for a fight.

    "I didn't cheat-" Trent started before being cut off.

    "A relationship is built for two people. You obviously don't know how to count," LeShauna thundered as she cut him off.

    "Well, what about her just using me to advance through the competition? Didn't she confide her evil masterplan to you girls as Heather said?" Trent asked, the look of disgust returning to his face.

    "Maybe that's something Heather would do, but (Y/N) would never do that. You know what, it sounds exactly like one of Heather's plans, but I guess you were stupid to remember everything else she's done to people on this island, including (Y/N)! Remeber when Heather read (Y/N)'s diary? I doubt (Y/N) was making any of her writing up considering how embarrassed she was after the whole incident," LeShauna pointed out, making Trent's heart shatter into a million pieces as he realized how wrong he was.

    "(Y/N), I-"

    "You know what, save it, Trent. I don't care anymore. All I know is that if another woman steals your man, the best revenge is to let her keep him. Have fun with Heather, unless she's already done with you," you spat over your shoulder while LeShauna guided you back to the Screaming Gopher's cabin.

    Trent stood there as his brain mulled over the words of the two females who left him alone with his thoughts. He turned to look at Heather, who was smirking up at him triumphantly despite the injuries she would no doubt be feeling the next day.

    Trent had truly been played, and now, he lost you too.
Dun dun DUUUNNNNN! Heather played poor Trent just like she did everyone else on the island! Would anyone be interested in seeing a part two for this story????

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