Chapter two

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Depression.. Its just a feeling of many things.
Mainly sadness, emptiness loneliness.. Pain.
That's how she felt, she can't remember the last time she was happy, she was afraid to be her real safe, she was scared of others judging opinions towards her, she was shy towards them, she always wondered why her?
Why did everyone choose to hate her..
What did she ever do wrong?

Now, all she had was time the she never bothered to try and do her class work, she didn't care much about anything, she had been hurt, thrown yelled hit like a punching back.
The emotionally and mental and he should come physical abuse from her mother she became so scared so lonely trap in her own prison inside of her head no one would ever understand her that's how she felt..

At least that's what she always thought, because no one really seemed to understand her, she was always bullied but she never spoke up, she would develop crushes on some during school but never told since she was a main outcast even the other outcast didn't want her, so she was the broken loner or the loner, she had many nicknames people had given her during school, some she didn't like some was okay.
She would fail classes and teachers would notice but they didn't seem to care, or bother to do anything.

It gotten really bad when she was in 7th grade, she had begin to self harm, first it wasn't much but soon it had gotten worse, from crying to sleep to sitting in a half bath of water mixed with her blood as she blasted music so no one would hear her plead for someone anyone to help. She always felt she was beyond ones help, she never felt like she was good enough, was smart enough or anything.
Her mother, she thought her mother loved her, but oh, how her mother only used her for money, vex didn't know she was so compulsed by lies her mother spoke she beloved everyone was out to hurt her, to get her and kill her.
She was to broken, so sad. So alone with only the voices and devil to keep her company, vex had a secret she could sing tho she was always scared to sing in front of others, she was also good at drawing, she always drew even at school.

Her drawings would grow as dark and painful as her mind grew to hate and see the world in a different view. "V..." Devil whispered her name softly since he was in her book bag, she realized the end of the day had gone by rather fast, but she wasn't gonna complain..

Not until she had to go home and indoor her hurtful mother.

((That beautiful picture above us of vex, from a bud of mind off insta.))

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