One Tree Hill: The Next Generation

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"Good morning" Jamie says as he walks through the kitchen door of his parents house. 

"Good morning honey, what are you doing here?" Haley asks her son.

"I'm here to pick up Lydia" Jamie replies.

"Good morning son" Nathan says walking into the kitchen. "Lydia left for school like 10 minutes ago" Nathan says patting his oldest on the back.

"What? I thought I was taking her, y'know like I've done everyday since getting hired at the high school" Jamie says rubbing the back of his head.

"Yeah I know Jamie, but she's a senior now. She is driving herself" Haley says standing behind the counter. 

"She's getting too cool for me" Jamie jokes making his parents laugh. 

"I'm afraid she's been too cool for you" Nathan says jokingly.

"Ha ha" Jamie says rolling his eyes. "Okay I've gotta get going or I'm going to be late" Jamie says grabbing an apple off the kitchen counter. 

"Hey, don't forget about our dinner we are having tonight" Haley says walking up to Jamie, standing in front of him with a big smile. 

"I won't mom" Jamie says looking down to his mom.

"Okay, bye Jimmy Jam love you" Haley says grabbing Jamie's hand.

"Bye mom, love you too" Jamie says giving his mom a kiss on the cheek. "See you later dad" Jamie says.

"Bye Jamie" Nathan responds as Jamie is walking out the door. 

5 minutes later Jamie pulls into the parking lot seeing Lydia standing by her car with a group of her friends. He gets out of his car and walks up behind her.

"You abandoned me at home little sister" Jamie says covering her eyes.

"Ugh Jamie stop" Lydia says trying to pull out of his grasp while her friends giggle. 

"My little sister is growing up right in front of my eyes" He says dramatically still covering her eyes.

"James Lucas Scott you better stop right now" Lydia says finally pulling out of his grasp. 

"Or what? You gonna tell mom?" Jamie asks teasingly. Lydia just rolls her eyes, giving him a small shove before pulling her bag further up onto her shoulder. 

"What do you want Jamie?" Lydia asks clearly annoyed. 

"Just wanted to wish my baby sister a good last first day of school" Jamie says patting her on the shoulder. 

"Well thank you" Lydia says giving him a small smile. 

"I've gotta get to the fields, but just know I am wishing you well during your senior year" Jamie says smiling at his sister.

"Bye Mr. Scott" Lydia's friends giggle shyly. 

"Bye" Jamie says laughing and walking the other direction.

"Oh my god" Lydia scoffs rolling her eyes and walking into the school, away from her friends. 

"Lydia wait" they yell running after her. 


"Jude let's go, we are going to be late" Davis yells up the stairs to his twin brother.

"Davis, please do not yell in this house" Brooke says to her son. 

"Well I wouldn't have to yell if Jude got ready on time" Davis says to his mom as Jude skips down the stairs.

One Tree Hill Next GenerationWhere stories live. Discover now