1 -~- Only Human

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"Elizabeth, wake up, we're here!"

Princess Elizabeth opened her eyes to the blonde-framed face of Meliodas, standing over her bed.  she blinked before remembering.  "Oh, of course!  How could I forget?!"

By the time Elizabeth was dressed and out, everyone else was up, even the blackout drunk, Ban.  She looked around at the landscape, realizing it was a small village just outside Camelot.  "Um, Sir Meliodas?  I thought you said we were already in Camelot..."

"Nah, I just said that we were here.  I never specified.  This is where we're setting up shop.  I heard of this really nice shop called the Rusty Raccoon here.  We can get the stuff we need there."  Meliodas responded with a small smirk.

-~Skippy skip~-

A silver-haired girl glanced up when the bell on the door rang.  "Oh!  Hello, welcome to the Rusty Raccoon!  How may I be of service?"  The girl paused and looked at Meliodas for a moment.  

"Thank you, miss.  Can I get some herbs?"  Meliodas wasn't bothered.  As always.

"Oh, right!  What kind?"  The girl turned to the  shelves, ready to get what he needed.  

"What about just some mint?  Oh, and the marigold back there."  Meliodas requested.

"Alright!  That'll be... Wait, hold on, I feel like I know you..."  The girl studied Meliodas. Then, she snapped her fingers.  "Oh!  You're the guy who runs the Boar Hat, that one tavern, huh?"  she asked.

"Actually, you're right.  The name's Meliodas!" 

"NO.  WAY.  YOU'RE ONE OF THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS?!?!?!"  The girl almost flipped out.

"You've heard of us?"  Meliodas was somewhat surprised. 

"I mean, who hasn't?!  You're urban LEGEND around here!  My name's Andy by the way.  I used to be part of Camelot's Holy Knights, but the rest of my squad and I got kicked."  Andy shrugged.  "Though, now that there's a new king, we might be able to go back."

"Yeah, probably."  Meliodas nodded.  "Now, how much do you need?"

"How could I charge a legend?  Take it."  Andy smiled.

"Alright, but do you need help finding the rest of your friends?"  Meliodas asked.

"I probably will.  Some of these people will be hard to find..." Andy looked down.

"Ya know, you COULD travel with us." Meliodas stated with a small smile.

"Oh, um.... I don't know... I don't want to leave my shop unattended..." Andi blinked.  

"Just put the closed sign up!"  Meliodas grinned.

"Oh... Okay!"  Andy came out from behind the counter and hung the closed sign in the window.  She then grabbed a bag and bagged all of the herbs in her shop.  "Alright, we should be good.  Lead the way, Sir Dragon."  she smiled.

A/N: Wow, that was a long chapter! 430 Words, not including this!  It will either be the next chapter, or the chapter after that they find the next Element!  Stay tuned for that!

Elements ~~ A Seven Deadly Sins FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now