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Luna was confused to say the least, she couldn't understand why herself and thirty other petty excuses for criminals were being lead toward a classroom, to learn earth skills

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Luna was confused to say the least, she couldn't understand why herself and thirty other petty excuses for criminals were being lead toward a classroom, to learn earth skills.

"Are we gonna go inside? or are we just gonna stand here until it's our turn to get floated?"

A boy with slick dark hair snickered, rolling his neck, as the group was stopped by guards at two steel doors. The guards stood their ground and held their emotionless expressions, one only replied in a bored tone.

"Shut up, Murphy."

The boy, John Murphy, rolled his eyes at the guards but chose not to pick a fight he knew he'd lose and turned towards the two boys that were lingering around him. Before long he noticed Luna leaning against the metal hallway and swaggered towards her, recognition evident on his face.

"Oh my god! Look everyone!" he gasped, gaining attention of most the delinquents,
"If it isn't the one and only Lunatic Harris! How'd you get in the sky box, huh? Your cork finally popped off?"

"Piss off"

"Why? What are you gonna do? Stare at me 'til I die, psycho." John Murphy snickered in response, causing most of the teenagers around them to giggle. The sound of air compressing and doors opening cut short their conversation as Counsellor Kane silently instructed everyone move into the classroom and sit.

Everyone could sense the tension in the air as they moved into the classroom, warily taking in their surroundings. The classroom ended up just being an old supply room with old chairs lined in rows. Luna made her way to an empty seat in the front row and sat.

Luna watched Charles Pike stand uncomfortably in front of his students as they filed into the classroom, she watched as he tried to stand like his usual tall and confident self but she could see right through his facade, he was nervous. The way Pikes dark skin creased between his eye brows as he watched the teenagers was enough of a give away. Pike was nervous and Luna was curious as to why, the lessons she had had with Pike before she was locked away he was always self assured and knew what he was doing but right now was an exception, he almost looked worried.

The chair next to her squeaked and she looked to see a girl with pretty features and long brown hair sitting next to her, looking incredibly uncomfortable.

"It's the girl under the floor" a voice whispered behind her, making the girl next to her shift in her seat.

"Welcome to Earth skills."

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