Chapter 2

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You're sitting in math class, staring at the clock. "Only two more minutes," you think. You hear the teacher talking about some math stuff, but to you it sounds like alien speech. Finally the bell rings and everyone storms out of class. You start walking towards the cafeteria and catch up with Martha on your way there.

"How has your first day been so far?" she asks you.

"Not too bad," you shrug.

You reach the cafeteria and get in line. You chat with Martha until some jock comes and smacks Martha's lunch tray to the ground. "MARTHA DUMPTRUCK! WIDE LOAD! HOOONNNNNK!" he yells and starts laughing.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" you growl at him.

"Are you talking to me?" he asks you, taking a step closer.

"My buddy Kurt just asked you a question," another jock joins in and stands next to the first jock, Kurt. Your gaydar explodes when you see those two and use it to your advantage.

"Awww, look who needs his boyfriend to back him up," you coo at them. They both blush. You pick up Martha's tray and hand it to her. The jocks are about to say something, but you just turn around and ignore them.

Once you get your food you go to sit at a table with Martha. You see JD sitting in the corner and wave at him. He waves back and then returns to his book.

"Who's that?" Martha asks.

"Oh that's my brother, JD," you say and stuff some food in your mouth.

Then the cafeteria doors open and everyone goes quiet. She's back. You watch as she graciously walks towards a table and sits down with her friends.

"Who are they?" you ask Martha.

"Those are the Heathers. The red one is the queen of Westerberg, Heather Chandler. The green one is Heather Duke, she runs the yearbook. The yellow one is the happy ball of sunshine, Heather McNamara. And the blue one is my best friend since diapers, Veronica Sawyer," Martha explains.

You watch them talk a bit and steal glances at your table. Suddenly Heather Chandler stands up and walks towards you. You feel your heart beat speed up and your cheeks grow warm. She looks at you for a second, but then she turns towards Martha and gives her a note. She then turns around and leaves. Martha opens up the note and squeals.

"What is it?" you ask her, still trying to calm your racing heart.

"It's a note from Ram. He wants me to go to his party tonight!" she squeals.

Confused you ask, "Who's Ram?"

She points towards the two jocks. You know that one of them is Kurt, so you're guessing the other one must be Ram. You look towards Martha and see her staring at him dreamily. You chuckle at her. She looks at you and you can physically see the light bulb above her head light up.

You already know what she's gonna say, "You should come too!" Nailed it. You're not really a party person, but Martha looks so cute right now you just have to accept. She squeals again and hugs you. You push her off while laughing and continue to eat.

Suddenly you hear shouting and screaming and you look in the direction of the noise. You see JD beating up the jocks. Of course. You watch as he kicks their butts and can't help but snicker at the poor jocks groaning in pain on the floor. After JD is finished with them he runs his hand through his hair and leaves. Everyone stares in bewilderment, not quite comprehending what just happened.

(Time skip to after school)

You grab your things from your locker and head home. On your way home you start thinking of the upcoming party. You've never been to a party before. There will probably be drunk teenagers dancing around the house. Correction. There will most definitely be drunk teenagers dancing around the house.

You sigh, "What have I gotten myself into?"

You reach your house and sprint upstairs to your room. You throw your bag to the corner and faceplant onto your bed. "Well if I'm going I should probably get ready," you think and put on more comfortable clothes. You check the time and see that you have an hour until the party starts. You go downstairs and find JD watching TV.

"Hey, JD, wanna go to the 7-11?" you ask him, already knowing the answer.

"Of course," he says, as if it's the most obvious thing in the world, which it is. He stands up and grabs his keys. You both sit on his motorcycle. He starts the engine and off you go to the nearest 7-11.

Once you get there he runs off to get some slushies. You walk around the aisles, looking at the snacks. You then see JD talking to Veronica. He offers her his slushy, but she declines. Then JD starts talking about his difficult past and mother's death and how he freezes his brain to numb the pain. You shake your head and continue strolling around the aisles.

You suddenly hear a car horn and look outside. There's Chandler yelling at Veronica to hurry up and buy her corn nuts. You're currently standing in front of the corn nuts. You grab a pack of them and buy them. You go outside, smiling at Chandler. She looks at you suspiciously.

"What do you want?" she asks you.

"I just wanted to give you these," you say and throw her the corn nuts. She catches them and looks at you.

"Thanks," she says, confused.

You shrug, "No problem."

"Do you need a ride?" she asks you. You nod. "Well hop in and I'll just go get Veronica," she says, walking into the store.

You get into the car and see Duke and McNamara already there. You wave at them shyly and sit next to McNamara.

"I'm Heather McNamara, but you can just call me Mac," McNamara or Mac says, offering you a hand to shake.

You shake it and introduce yourself. You offer Duke a hand too, but she just scoffs and looks out the window. You see Chandler and Veronica return from the store and get in the car. Chandler starts the car and off you go to the party.

You Can Fly With Angels (Heather Chandler x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora