Coffee Shop (Story ideas)

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Okay so I don't mean to be annoying, but I have a few rules for these story ideas. you don't have to be following me or anything, but there are some rules that I'd appreciate you following.
•If you want to change the title or boy its about please ask and let me know your intentions with it
•Please just ask nicely for the ideas. don't come and comment saying 'This is mine' or no one else can have it. Its a little rude. I'd like it if you'd politely ask for the idea.
• Only 1-3 ideas per person. leave some for other people, please (:
• I'd like credit for the idea, so if you could please giver credit in the description and first chapter, it'd be great.
• I'd like you to have at least one chapter up within a week. Cause these are stories that I'd love to see written out and I want to know that they'll be written. If you don't post them or become uninterested, I'll messege you asking for the idea back, and put it back up for anyone to take.
•Please just have fun with the idea. let your imagination run wild with it.
•Lastly if I see one of these story ideas up without you having asked me for it, I'll report it. I'm sorry. Thank you, and enjoy!

All ideas are available, because I delete the idea when it's taken

PSifyouneedhelpwithacoveroranythingatall, don'tbeafraidtoask! IknowitshardtofindgoodcoversandI'dbemorethangladtohelp!

Coffee Shop (Story ideas)Where stories live. Discover now