Chapter 2 - Thought's After the First Meet

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[ After the meeting: ]

Xander's POV:

She was beautiful. Sexy body in a perfect fit suit. Complete business like. And I couldn't get enough of her though I ogled her.

But she wasn't just a pretty face. She was logical and smart. Had brilliant ideas too. In full work mode, creative and fluent. She had segregated her work very well. And I liked her designing skills too. How she had paired various patterns and colours to create the perfect match. Perfection was something one could find in her work. He couldn't even find a single error or no solutions to any problem. She was prepared and worked with interest like she really loved her job. Dedication. And these were some amazing qualities one should definitely have. I was smitten and impressed.

Then again, she was different. The way her face paled on hearing 'father' just a single word and the curt reply signifying she absolutely hated that topic. But the protectiveness she held as she masked her failed façade, hinted that it was something she wasn't going to reveal or was proud of.

So, I searched her. Found out that she was orphaned. Ahh! I exactly knew how that felt... But the whole world knew about it. Except me. I had never met or seen her just heard her name several times in the business world. But why would she turn pale then...

*A sharp knock on the door *

Distracted I answered, "Come in."

"Hey man, how are you doing today"

Looking up I saw Luke in my office. One of his hands was in the trousers pocket and the other one resting on the chair for other people to sit at the desk. He had a stupid grin on his face. Hmm... I know why it is there.

"Good! You got the deal, didn't you?"

"Yup! Come on let's go to lunch" He said delighted.


Luke and I are best pals for life. We met in middle school and hit it off since then. He was the new blonde guy who had just migrated in from Texas. Good looking, smart and a computer guy. And who wouldn't want such a friend. I was sitting in detention and after some while he came in. When we found out the teacher was sleeping we sneaked out – luckily the lunch break rung just seconds later - and since then our friendship took off.

We seated ourselves in our regular restaurant and ordered some delicious food.

"Luke, I want you to run this girl for me."

"What girl?"

"Miss. Eleanor Brewer."

"Oh okay! Why though?"

"There's something more to her past then she lets on." Xander said thoughtfully.

"What do you mean? And what past? I mean I know she was orphan but other than that...?" Luke confessed.

"You have met her?" Xander was seemingly shocked. Luke had never mentioned her.

"Yeah! I was at Mr. Martinez's hotel inauguration party and she was there. Martinez told me her name and that she was orphan. Impressive. She is beautiful and smart."

"Yeah, she is. Met her for the first time today. Damn she was amazing. In looks and work." Xander willingly agreed.

"Get back to the point." Luke chided.

"Okay so I asked her about her dad and she paled and told me not to ask any personal questions. And when I cornered her she turned her head as if someone was going to hit her. I doubt she was an orphan."

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