Chapter 5

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The next day came.It was 10 a.m already and everyone was still in bed except for bakugou who was already up and had made his bed and was downstairs at the table eating his breakfast.Not long after he finished deku showed up.

"Good morning kacchan" Said Deku

"What do you want Quirkless?" Said Bakugou

"I was just saying Good morning kacchan" Said Deku

"Whatever" Said Bakugou

"Can I ask you a question kacchan" said deku

"You are sincerely not going to" Said Bakugou

"Well I was wondering if you like-" Deku got nervous and stop


"No Nothing it's nothing I swear" Said Deku while shaking

"FUCKING QUIRKLESS YOU ARE SO-" Said.Bakugou and Felt a hand on his shoulder

"It's to fucking early for you to be yelling" Said Kirishima who woke up because of his yelling along side with everyone else

"Man not even during summer break we get a break from bakugou' s yelling" Said Denki


"Calm down bakugou" Said Zero

"STOP EVERYONE" Said Lida who was the last one to get downstairs

"Oh My Oh My" Said Miss Hana

"Miss! Hana-san" Said Ochako

"What is this commotion so early in the morning?" Asked Miss hana

"We are terribly sorry for this distribution we didn't mean to make such noises so early" Said Lida who is bent his head down

"No no it's fine haha I remember how My husband use to be just like the blonde guy" ^_^ Said Miss hana

"You are married??" Asked Ashido

"Yes well I was but not anymore" Said Miss Hana

"Oh I'm sorry for your loss" Said Ashido

"No no you don't need to apologize" Said Miss Hana

"You must feel lonely without him" Said Hagakure

"Oh dear my husband is not dead haha he's actually my Ex-husband because We divorce" Said Miss hana while laughing

"Ohhh sorry for assuming stuff without knowing" Said Momo

"It's alright sweetie I shouldn't of made it sound like that in the first place" Said Miss Hana

"Why did you'll divorce?" Asked Ashido

"Ashido don't ask that that's rude besides its her personal business" Said Momo to Ashido

"We didn't divorce because of his temper and things like that because I did love him for him and because of his bad boy side hehe^○^ but it was because we was focusing on different things and we didnt have time for each other anymore" Said Miss Hana

"No wonder you say Bakugou is just like your husband" Said Ashdod

"You are describing our Bakugou perfectly" Said  Kirishima

"SHUT UP EXTRAS" Said Bakugou making small explosions in his hands

"Oh my oh my you shouldn't talk to girls like that or else your girlfriend
will leave you" Said Miss Hana

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