The Paladins of Voltron

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When I woke up, I saw everyone through a blue type of glass. I could look ahead of my self. I then hear a hissing noise as I fall out of the chamber. A man with a mechanical arm catches me before I fall on my face. 

"Thank you. What was that thing I was in and who are you?" I asked him.

"My name is shiro and you were in a healing pod." Shiro says as I get up off of him and regain my balance.

I then see that everyone I saw earlier was there watching me.

"Who are you people?" I ask them as I brush off my silver dress that was flecked with gold. I had this on before I passed out. 

The boy who had a red jacket spoke first. "My name is Keith,the boy who is staring at you like he wants to date you is lance, Then there is hunk the one in yellow, pidge who is in green, And allura and coran." 

"Thank you Keith, also lance don't even think about it. I am 14 years old." I say to him as I cross my arms as him mouth acts like a fish.

"Good job, the only person who can do that is me and allura." Pidge says as I give her a high five.

"Well It is nice to meet you all, but I have to find silver." I say as allura stops me.

"She is in the hanger with the other lions." Allura says to me.

'The princess is correct. I am with the other lions.' I hear silver say to me telepathically.

"OK, could one of you show me to the hanger. Not you lance, I am not going to let you hit on me." I say to them as I pidge walks up to me.

"I will I know this castle like the back of my hand." Pidge says as I follow her as I wave to everyone as we walk away.

"Hey Emily, why did you freeze for a couple of seconds when we were in the sick bay?" Pidge asked me.

"I somehow have a telepathic connection with my lion, that's how I got my necklace with the different gems on it." I say to her as I point to the silver chained necklace.

"I wounder why you have the connection while the rest of use don't?" Pidge says.

"I don't know maybe it is because that silver is the heart and soul of voltron. She also said that when I would meet you all I would gain powers from my necklace? I still don't get it." I say to pidge as we walk.

"That would make sense, as the heart of voltron would have to be able to contact it's pilot to tell them what is wrong." Pidge says as we both nod.

'Pidge, you are correct with what you said.' I hear silver say and I look to pidge and see that she also heard.

"I like her. She seems wise." Pidge says as we walk into the hanger. I see silver and run up to her. she allows me to get in so I can talk to her.

"Thank you pidge. I will stay here for awhile. Could you tell that to allura?" I say to her through the speakers on silver.

I see her give me a thumbs up and runs back to were everyone else was to tell them what I told her.

"So, silver what did you mean by powers?" I asked her.

'You have to let me allow them to become active. We could do it now. Would you like to do it now?' Silver asked me.

"Of course I would. What do you need me to do?" I ask silver.

'Just focus on clearing your mind of any thoughts you have. You might feel weird after this though.' Silver says to me as I do what she tells me to do.

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