the reason for silver

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After I gave everyone there gifts, I realized that Silver has been trying to talk to me. 

'Yes silver? what do you need.' I say to her.

'I need you to ask allura about why I was forgotten. could you do that for me?' She says to me.

'Yes. I will do that.' I say to her as I turn to look at allura.

"Princess, Silver asked why she was forgotten. could you tell us?" I say to her as my eyes turn to a bright blue.

"Of course." Allura said. 

"When voltron was being made, my father had realized that if he was to make a sixth lion, If anyone had stolen the other lions, that lion would be able to find a paladin to aid that lion into getting the five other lion back. So he made the other lions before making silver. Silver was different then the other five lions. She was the only lion who could talk to the other lions and the pilots. She also would grant the paladin who was worthy enough powers. This has only happened to you Emily. When Zarkon had attacked altaya, my father had told Silver to go and hide on earth and wait for a girl who was worth of her powers. She did as she was told and hid on earth. Many thousands of years passed and Silver would make a different gem stone each year that passed. That was until you came and was the worthy holder of the powers she had." Allura said as my eyes turned back to the normal pale greenish blue.

'Thank you princess. I have wanted to figure that out for years.' Silver said to her and the other paladins.

"Was that Silver?" Shiro asked me as I nodded.

"Yes Silver was speaking to all of you. She has done it with pidge but not with any large group of people." I said to them as I allowed Silver to speak through me.

"Yes. As Emily just said, I was the one who just spoke. Emily has allowed me to speak through her to talk you." Silver said as my eyes went to the bright blue color like before. 

 "I was the one who gave Emily her powers, but she is also part angel for some reason. It was not from me. I couldn't do that to any being."  Silver said to them.

'Wait. WHAT!!!' I yelled at silver.

"How are you speaking to us then if you are still in the hanger?" Shiro asked.

"Emily is still present mentally, she has given me a bit of control to speak to you all. Think of it like if you were giving up the rains on a horse to someone else for a bit." Silver said to them.

'Just don't make us do anything stupid.' I say to her in my thoughts.

(A.N. If anyone of you get the references from as RWBY,  I am so proud. tell me in the comments if you get what the episode is from in which season it is from.) 

"So how did you find out that Emily was the person worthy of your gift?" Hunk asked me.

"I could tell by her heart. She was pure,kind,and also could fight if she needed to or if she was pissed off. These traits were what led me to give her my powers. I had these same traits inside myself." I said back to hunk.

"Then how would Emily be part angel?" Shiro asked me.

"I don't even know. I could sense that trait in her when I chose her and let her follow me to cave were I was hiding." I said back to shiro. 

"I think that would be enough questions for today, I will be going." I said as my eyes changed back to there normal color.

"Did not know she could do that." I said as I fell to my knees in exhaustion.

"Are you alright Emily?" Keith asked me as the group ran up to me.

"I'm fine Kieth, just tired." I said as I got back up to my feet. 

"Well I think I should see what Silver meant by say you were part angel." Allura said as she motioned for me to follow her.


Hello all you wolves, I am finally back from my trip. I can know wright my chapters and read the stories I have. If you want to watch RWBY, go to YouTube and search it up and watch it. I love that show. I hope you do to. See you all in the next chapter. If you want to find were my quote is from, I have the episode here.


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