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Recap:BAMMMM! I get hit by something and all I hear is the sound of everyone yelling and screaming...
    I hit my head on the ground while the pain in my leg increased. I open my eyes and look around while I see all of the boys and Christina in wolf form and attaching other wolves. I then see an unfamiliar wolf hit Daniel in the leg causing blood to gush out of him. He falls to the ground and started to whimper. Then I feel even more pain in my leg as I remember any pain he feels, I feel. I ignore that and adrenaline runs through my body. I get up and sprint towards that wolf and hit him. He falls to the ground and I keep hitting him with my paws. He now had many cuts in his/ her face.
    It looked like that wolf was already dead or passed out so I jump on another wolf and do the same thing till I kill/ make them pass out to every wolf that I didn't know of. I then fall on the ground again and I feel myself get smaller and I see that I changed into a human again but this time I was naked. I instantly get red as I see everyone turn back again abut they had clothes. Zach runs up to the couch and raps a blanket on me.
    "Thank you." I say coming out weakly. But then a boost comes through me as I remember everyone was hurt and the fact that there were random  werewolves on the ground. I get up with the blanket still around me even though everyone except Corbyn and Christina were my mates, and check on everyone, and seeing that everyone was alright. Then all of the questions start coming out.
    "WHO ARE THOSE PEOPLE?!" I say very confused.
    "I think those are people attached to the king and Queen." Christina answers.
    "But why would they come back for us?" I blurt.
    "I don't know, but I definitely know my parents were involved in this." Daniel says looking down ashamed. "I just don't see why they would do this!?" He says looking back up.

"I'm sorry for interrupting. But I think we have more wolves coming!!" Jonah says yelling. We look outside the windows and see about 30 more wolves coming.

"Guys get ready to fight!!" I yell. Everyone nods at me and we all turn again. I know this may be the second time we've turned but I can tell I am very strong so that will help with all of this mess. I slowly start to back up as I see that all of the wolves start scratching at our doors but others try breaking the windows. One window breaks and all of the wolves go through that window. Jonah howls a war cry and I can tell that everyone was scared but we all start running into the others. I whip at everyone's face who comes in my way and they instantly fly into the wall. But come back. I whip and all of them again and they fly into the wall again lifeless. About twenty more were still alive and I go back to fighting everyone...

After 10 minutes
    Every one of them was dead. Except for us of course. And then Daniel starts to tell us that many more of them are going to come and that we have to leave very soon. So we leave everything behind except for any cell phones or any devices that they could use to see anything or do anything. We get in Christina's SUV and we start driving.

I look back and see about 200 more wolves going in the house.

"STEP ON IT THEY WILL SEE US THEY ARE IN THE HOUSE RIGHT NOW!" I yell causing Christina to press on the gas more and we were going about 110/mph.

After about five minutes we were already far away from the house. We made it to the city and we instantly hid our car in a parking lot so that no wolves could see us. And we go inside a Hotel not a motel because hotels are more packed and it would be easier for us to fit in. Luckily we had all of our credit cards in our phone cases so we bought 2 rooms with each two beds.
    With our luck, our hotel rooms were right next to each other and there was a door in the middle of the rooms and we first closed all of our drapes and curtains and then open the door up so we could make sure we were all safe. (A/N I went to a hotel in Florida like this but we had one hotel room and our hotel room connected with another family's hotel room) Corbyn and Christina one bed and me and Daniel on other bed in one hotel room while Zach jack and Jonah figured out their sleeping arrangements.
"EVERYONE MEETING IN OUR ROOM!" Corbyn yells. We all gather up in our small living room/ kitchen area and Corbyn then starts to discuss a plan.
"Ok I know this is crazy but we are going to have to move out of this state, far away from California. I'm thinking Chicago." He explains.
"But we don't have the money!" Jack states.
"First of all I think we all have enough money to buy new clothes and everything when we get there and second of all I have a friend there that is giving us an apartment." He corrects Jack.
"Ok." We all day.
"I all ready bought tickets for all of us to leave tomorrow morning at 6:30. So tonight we sleep and since we have nothing but our phones and computers we don't have to pack."
"Ok! Thank you Corbyn!" We all say in somehow unison. Which makes no sense.
"Anyways Zach, Jack and I will go to sleep now." Jonah says.
"So will we!" I say exhausted from the events earlier.
"Goodnight we all say and we head into our room but before that we make sure our door is locked and then we go to sleep. But I lay in bed cuddling up to Daniel thinking how I could've done that.
"Baby you were very brave today. And I think we have already have figured out your power...
" I guess so. I don't know how but when I saw you get hit earlier something inside of me burst and then I starting going cra." I say cutting my self off.
"Oh my god! I just remembered you got hurt earlier!! Are you okay?!?!?" I say frantically.
"Yes I'm fine, remember? We have fast healing agents so that made me heal fast, but now I have a scar." He says showing the scar on his leg.
"I just wanted to make sure... What I saw earlier has forever haunted me but I think I can live on remembering that I saved you."
"Yea, just know that I thank you so much!" He says whiling rubbing my back.
"Mhmhm." I say drifting off to sleep. But before I fall asleep entirely, I hear him say,
" I love you babygirl❤️" and then I fell asleep.

The next morning 🤓🧐

I hear my alarm clock go off as well as Corbyns and I wake Daniel up. We go in the kitchen and we all eat the food that we got delivered to us. We all then get out of our hotels and go straight to the car after we check out. I sit in the front as well as Christina and on our way to the airport, we were talking about random girl things while the boys were talking about their own things. Once we get out of the car we see that we only have 5 minutes till we board our plane so we all start running but we were running very slow from still being tired. So we used our were wolf powers to run faster but not turn. We then made it on time and guess what.

    We got 1st class tickets! How? I don't know... me and Daniel sit next to each other and I start watching a movie since our flight was 3 hours which wasn't long but still I fell asleep half way into the very good movie.
W/C 1405!
A/N How was this long chapter?? So I'm wondering, can you guys please comment your name because I may or may not write another book and I need name ideas 💡! Please write down your name that would help  very much thanks! Oh and about that picture , sorry😂😂 Oh and NOT EDITED!!! ALSO GO CHECK OUT hanin_seavey SHE HAS AWESOME BOOKS AND DESERVES THIS!

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