Why Does That Name Sound Like..

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I look up from the ground and to the librarian who was typing away on her computer, and she looks pretty young. I try to clear my head of those thoughts, so what if she young? I walk over to her desk and read her name tag. Mrs. Bradbury, pretty cool name. I look up at her and clear my throat to get her attention. She looks at me and gives me a warm smile so I nervously grin back.

" Um- excuse me, Mrs. Bradbury, I wanted to know if you had The Dairy of Guinevere Winchester?" I question and I watch as her smile deepened.
" Why of course, but these copies are old and ripped", she said gesturing to a nearby shelf stacked high with old books,"so you can borrow mine," she finishes and hands me the book "Well take good care of it...?"
I knew by her questioning state that she wanted to know my name so I filled in the blank.

" Stella Layla, and thank you so much I'll make sure nothing happens to it." I grin and walk over to a table near the back of the room, the quitest spot in the whole library. Opening the book to page one, I could tell this book was old, but I don't mind, so I began to read.

April 16, 2001
Dear diary,
It's been 5 days since Darius left with that girl that was kicked out. I can't really remember her name. It's weird, not being near your twin brother, even if we did fight a lot. I tried talking to my best friend Lex Bradbury, but it was no use. My mother bought me 10 packs of lollipops because sucking and chewing on them makes me feel more calm, but unfortunately they don't fix my stutter. This is awkward to write. I mean, who's even going to read this? All I'm doing is writing to myself. Well, it does help I guess. I feel like I'm getting stuff off of my chest. I just hope one day I can find my brother. Maybe I'll get thrown out, too. Just like that girl I can't quite remember.

I stare at the name 'Lex Bradbury' in confusion, feeling that I've seen it before. I turn around when I feel a tap on my shoulder and see the librarian with a gentle smile on her face.

"I'm sorry for interrupting, but you need to check out that book before closing time." she states apologetically and walks to her desk, swaying her hips and catching a few men's attention, but seeing how she doesn't care she probably doesn't intend to make them drool over her. I make my way over to the desk and hand her the book and my library card. When she is done she hands it back and smiles. Don't her cheeks hurt from all that smiling? Maybe that's why she looks so young. All that smiling has made her face so muscular she can't get wrinkles, or any sign of aging for that matter.

" Hope to see you again!" she chimes, snapping me out of my odd train of thought. I nod and leave, heading home for the night. Though I had one question in my mind: Why does the name Lex Bradbury sound just like the librarian's... maybe she's related to them or something? Probably just distant cousins, I think, and shrug it off.

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