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"Omg jungkook you don't know how happy I am to see you"

"Oh yeah, what's up"

"So I lost my keys and I was wondering if you had the number to the complex to give me a new one?"

"Oh um, ugh" jungkook says hesitantly

"Yeah come to my place while I look for it"

"Oh yeah of course"

"Omg this is the weirdest coincidence ever" jungkook thought to himself

"You have a nice apartment " Jimin says while walking through the door

"What, um yeah I do"

"So do you live here alone or do you have a roommate?"

"I live here with my friend min yoongi but he's in the process of moving in with his boyfriend jung  hoseok"

"Boyfriend?" Jimin says quietly

"Yeah he's gay and moody, he takes like 7 naps a day, is that weird for me to live with a gay guy?"

"Oh no , OF COURSE NOT I think it's great-"

Jungkook smirks "I'm just playing with you"

*Jimin looks down while feeling embarrassed*

"So that number hmm , let me see where I left it"

Jimin POV

He knows I like him for sure judging by how awkward I am Jimin thinks to himself

Shit what am I doing in his house I feel so embarrassed

Jungkook POV

He looks so cute sitting on the couch with that oversized hoodie I could kiss him right now

Now for that number where did I leave that paper

Ahh I found it

Shit I dropped it

It went under the fridge my hands are too big to fit under there

3rd person

"Hey Jimin I dropped the paper under the fridge can you grab it my hands are too big"

"Oh sure I have small hands I can reach for it"

*jimin walks to the kitchen and bends down to reach for the paper*

Jungkook POV

Holy shit he's so sexy bending down like that-

"Ah I got it"

*jimin stands up and turns around facing jungkook to see him really close to his face"

"Oh fuck ima kiss him this time" jungkook thinks restlessly

"Um thanks for the number" Jimin looks indirect and is embarrassed of what just happend

"Uh yeah , totally anytime , if you need anything tell me" jungkook says stepping back leaning on the counter trying to play it off

"Well I guess I'll give them a call to have someone give me a-" Jimin then feels his keys in his pocket

"Omg here they were , I'm so sorry for wasting your time jeon"

"Shit I'm the stupidest person on the planet how did I not check my sweater" Jimin says under his breathe

"Oh no your fine, I do stuff like that all the time"

"Well thank you, anyways" Jimin says as trying to grab his keys again but drops them

Jungkook and Jimin both go to grab them then touch hands

looks at each other

*door opens*

It's yoongi hyung and his boyfriend

"So I told jin hyung to stop giving namjoon pet names-

"Oh were we inturup-

"Oh ugh n-no I was just ge-gettting ready t-to leave" Jimin says stuttering while grabbing keys and rushing out the door

"What was that about" yoongi says confused while letting go of hobis hands

"It was nothing" jungkook sighs while looking down


" So you like your neighbor who's a 'he' "

"Yeah I do"


"Taehyung!" Jimin screams through the phone

"I always knew you liked boys by how you would always look at-

"TEAHHHHYUNGGGG! You're my bsf not my instagram hate comments I need advice"

"Hey I'm single I haven't been in a relationship in awhile how could I possibly give you advice"

"Yeah I see why you haven't-

"Jimin-ssi !"

"I've never liked a guy before what do I do"

"Play hard to get"


"Lead him on"

"What do you mean?"

"Like wear more revealing clothes and when he really wants you , you tease at him"

"I want him now, not push him away till he's really horny for me you KINKY FUCKE-

"Well judging by what you told me just happend he already wants you"

"But Jungkooks straight-"


Meanwhile next door

"You met him a week ago and you think he's the love of your life"

"Stop teasing" jungkook says pouty while hoseok pats his head

"Your crazy" yoongi says laughing with hoseok

"It took me 2 months too really see how much I loved hobi here and you've only known a guy less than a week and you think-

"He makes me have this weird feeling I've never felt before with any of my other relationships , just the way he smiles with his mochi cheeks and how he dresses so cute in his oversized clothes , oh and how he laughs and gets nervous or embarrassed around me makes me honestly want him more, but the thought of him not liking me back or being straight honestly scares me-

... I love him hyung"


"You really do love him huh?"


OOOOF that was ALOT . I hope you liked it ,I was struggling on what this chapter was ganna be about but did you notice I changed my name and changed the cover of this story T^T anywayyyssss ima give y'all another chapter tomorrow (my friend is writing it because I'm not good at smuts)

one of them has a little dream *wink*

hehe see ya tomorrow


The boy next door // jikook smutWhere stories live. Discover now