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I'm back~ I know I know I took long Gomen Gomen *Bowing repeatedly* But now we can begin!!

Karasuma POV

   We wear in the field trip to Kyoto. We still had to assassinate the yellow octopus. It was night and I went to check on the guys. ''Hey you should already go to sleep tomorrow we have another day of assassination.'' I said in my monotone voice. ''Yes students tomorrow will be a pleasant day to study and kill. ~kuhuhuhuhu~'' The octopus said next to me. ''Aww~ Come on Mr.Karasuma come talk with us.'' Karma said while trying to hit Korosensei but he dodge it all at Mock 20. *RING**RING**RING* They all turned to me and got closer as I looked at my phone. It said Unknown number. ''Who could it be?'' Korosensei said. ''And at this hour.'' Isogai said as I answered it.

********Phone Call********
''Moshi Moshi?''
''Wow what took you so long?'' There was a silky voice in the phone.
''Y-Y/N is that you?'' My eyes widen.
''No Sherlock it's Satin.'' She said in a sarcastic voice.
''Wear are you?'' He said
''Open the window.'' She hanged up the phone.

3rd POV

Everybody looked at the window as Karasuma went to open it. A girl with (H/C) tackled him down to the ground in to a hug. ''I missed you so much.'' They all looked shocked except Nagisa, Sugino, and Karma. She was wearing the same  kimono but her hair was still down. She was so cute but looked sexy with the kimono that showed her curves and some cleavage. All the boys blushed and some had nosebleeds. ''What are you doing here Y/N?'' Karasuma said standing up as well as Y/N. ''Hey Dad I just came here because I got bored at my place and to see my new classmates.'' They all looked shocked. ''WHAT!!''

  There was rushing feet going close to their room. ''What's all the ruckus here?'' Irina asked a little pissed at the noise. The girls wear behind her and looked worried because of the noise. ''Hey that's the girl that saved us.'' Kayano said walking up to her. ''Y/N right?'' Kanzaki asked. ''Yes my name is Y/N Karasuma and I am going to be a new student in your classroom.'' Y/N said while bowing. The guys wear still blushing. ''Wait I thought you said Mr.Karasuma was a friend of yours.'' Nagisa said. ''Yeah you wouldn't believed me ether way. In the end we don't look alike because I got most of it from my mom.'' They all looked shocked again. ''WHAT!! You never told us you wear married or had a child!!'' They all screamed. ''Hey I don't have to tell you about my personal life and also my wife died when Y/N was only 3 years old.'' Karasuma said looking at his daughter her smile was wiped out of her face. She looked so sad and looked ready to cry. ''Were sorry for your loss Y/N.'' Kayano said and ran up to her to hug her. All the girls ended up hugging her. ''Thank you'' She turned to Irina that was looking at her father. ''Ne seems wile I was out you won some fans. I shouldn't be surprised over the many people that have fallen head over hells for you.'' Y/N said while hitting him playfully with her elbow with a smirk. Karasuma death glares at her but she dint do anything she only stood there with her smirk. ''Why do you care you don't live with me anymore.'' She went into her emo corner on the other side of the room. ''I do care I am still your daughter.'' She said drawing circles on the floor.

''Karasuma what did you do?'' Irina asked. ''What do you mean?'' ''I mean you gave her a death glare and the girl dint evenly flinch but when you told her you don't live with each other she seemed so faced about it.'' ''It was her decision to move away from me. So I don't know.'' Karasuma said.

On the other side of the room the girls are trying to confort Y/N. She dint pay attention to them until her stomach grumbled. *GRRRR* She started to blush from embarrassment ''*sight* Since when haven't you eaten or slept Y/N and tell me the truth?'' Karasuma said strictly. ''Since ygdhbdh.'' She said mumbling the last part. ''Y/N'' Karasuma said in a strict voice. ''*sight* Since yesterday because I dint bring enough money since I wanted to surprise you.'' ''Ok just wait here.'' Karasuma said leaving the room that went silent.


The only though going through my mind was ~food~ and ~Why dint I bring enough money I fell so stupid.~ ''And what about the bag you took?'' Nagisa said breaking the silence. ''Hm. Oh I gave it to the police department so they could give it to their rightful owners. And also I never caught nobodies name except Strawberry over there.'' Karma had a tint of red over his cheeks. ''My name is Korosensei I will be your teacher as well as Irina Jelavic and your father.'' ''Korosensei playing with words I see 'Korosenai' meaning unkillable and 'sensei' meaning teacher. What a lovely name that was given to you by your students I'm guessing?'' His face turned red with a circle 'Ding Ding Ding' ''Your right Ms.Karasuma.'' ''Please call me Y/N.'' One of the guys stepped up he kind of looked like a prince. ''My name is Isogai Yuuma but please call me Isogai. And these are my friends.''

{I am to lazy to write their names

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{I am to lazy to write their names.SORRY~}

''Well it's nice to meat you all and I hope we can all be good friends.'' I said with a wide smile. The door then slid open to reveal my Dad with cup of instant noodles a Coca Cola and some sweets. ''Food~!'' I grabbed all the food and sat on the corner of the room with the window. ''Arigato Dad.'' I started eating while everyone watching me eat. ''What? Want some sweets?'' I put most of the candy except the poky it was (F/F) flavored. We all finished the sweets and I was starting to get sleepy. *yawn* ''Kawaii!!'' All the girls said while some of the boys blushed and one of the had a nosebleed. I think his name was Okajima. ''Well I guess I gotta go now.'' I said jumping on the window seal I was about to jump out when I felt strong arms wrapped around my waist. ''No your not it's to dangerous and you haven't slept in a while.'' ''No my freedom!!!!Wait ho-?'' ''I talked to the government when I was getting your food. They said you had a mission to retrieve an object close from here. They gave you a whole week and you stated just three days ago.'' ''Fine. You do know there wear ninjas following me for those three days right?'' They all looked shocked. ''What did you have to take for the ninjas to have been following you.'' Strawberry head asked. ''The object I have to bring back is-''



Hope u guys enjoyed it. Sayonara Reader-Chan!!✌️

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