#Just Education

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Both men and women are guilty of associating relationships with simplicity. They set unrealistic goals and expect everything to work out to a T. Don't be naive and fall into that trap. Here are
unrealistic expectations that can downright ruin your love life.

1. I come first. Many people get into relationships thinking that they will come first in their partner's lives. Constantly being number one is a myth.

2. No fighting. Another unrealistic expectation that could ruin your relationship is thinking that fights are a bad thing. You have to change your mindset and realize that conflict isn't the worst thing that could mar your relationship.

3. No need for anyone else. The idea that you don't need anyone else in your life once you're in a relationship is a silly myth. One person isn't going to fulfill all your social needs, and the sooner you realize it, the better.

4. Understand my feelings. Your partner isn't a mind reader, so don't expect them to know what you're thinking and feeling. If you don't express yourself, they'll be left in the dark and won't be able to fix whatever's bothering you.

5. We have to be together. There's no need to be together 24-7. Make time for yourself and invest in your friendships. If you smother each other and don't spend a sliver of time apart, you will eventually get tired and bored.

6. Our relationship is easy. Thinking that your relationship should be easy is an unrealistic expectation. Anyone who tells you that their relationship is easy is bullshitting you. Longtime lovers will tell you that relationships are hard work and that they're built on compromise, trust, and understanding.

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