Chapter 2: Not Intrested

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Hey everyone! Sorry Chapter 1 was so short but this chapter is super long, hope you enjoy it (: Please commemt and vote <3 <3

Chapter 2:

Not Interested

*Josh's POV*

The girl that Connor got wet angrily turned around and looked like she was going to rip my head off. She was clenching her fists, trying to calm herself down. I was shocked that she didn't yell my name out and try to kiss me like the rest.

"You better! This was a brand new phone!" she angrily screamed out making a scene as she ran to the changing rooms crying. Another blonde girl ran after her in worry and frustration as everyone else laughed at what had just happened.

I felt terrible. I made that girl cry and not because I said hi or signed an autograph. If I would of let Connor throw the water at me, she wouldn't of had gotten embarrassed like that. I'll just get her a new phone, apologize, and sign her an autograph. "Yes, that'll work" I silently told myself as I felt my consiense get partially cleared. That girl was actually not bad looking. She had shoulder length, brown hair in a ponytail. She had dark brown eyes and a pink glow on her face. Again I gained more guilt as I remembered how everyone was laughing at her.

*Natalie's POV*

I'm so mad!!! Before the incident, I left my phone in my lap; my new iphone I had worked so hard to earn. I had worked endless seeming shifts at Hot Topic in the morning before summer school just to pay for a new phone and school supplies.

"I can't believe you got the chance meet Josh Hutcherson and you blew it! I would of been all over him! Do you mind if I quickly go say hi to him?" Abby excitingly said as she helped me dry off.

"I don't want to meet that stupid jerk. And go ahead I know how much he means to you, just be back in 10 minutes! I want to go home!" I stated as I frowned at my ruined outfit. My pink top was ruined and my cheap, black shorts lost some color. Ugh I should of changed into my bathing suit. I finally started to calm down. I got out of the changing rooms, partially dry. I looked around for Abby but I couldn't find her. I finally saw her talking to Josh by the pool. I felt so happy that Abby's dream came true; at least one of us had a good day. I decided to walk home alone and let her have the day of her life. I quickly walked up to her.

"Hey Abby, I'm going to leave before I catch a cold. See you tommorrow," I quickly said as I avoided making eye contact with Josh. I walked away quickly before Abby could answer. It was getting dark so I picked up the pace. It was going to be a long walk.

*Abby's POV*

"So have you seen Titanic?" I yelled in a flirty voice. I couldn't believe I was talking to my dream guy!

"Ya, sure. Hey where's your friend going?" Josh nervously whispered.

"She's going home. She got pretty pissed. I've never seen her so mad. So what is a superstar like you doing here?" I tried to flirt in a confident voice.

"Oh thats a shame but I would of been pissed too. Oh and I'm going to this school, whats her name? How old is she?" He quickly said, choking on his words.

"I don't mean to sound rude but why do you keep asking about my friend?" I madly yelled. He was mine and not Natalie's! She dislikes him anyways so I wasn't too worried.

"I'm just guilty that she got embarrassed like that. Hey can I have your number?" he said in a serious voice as he took him phone out and gave it to me so I could type my number. Was this really happening? I was so happy. Was he asking me out? Everything started spinning so I leaned against the wall. I somehow managed to put my number in.

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