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The time leading up to tour was full of rehearsals with my band, Kyle, Josh and Danny. It was such a life saver having the basement studio to practice in and be close to Sutton if and when Hunter got pulled away. We came up with our set list and I decided I wanted to cover Taylor Swift 'Fifteen' in the mix of my EP and first album songs. 

"Everything sounds great Jen," Hunter listened in on our last rehearsal before we headed out tomorrow, "did I mention how amazing you look." I blushed, I didn't tell Hunter I lost all my pregnancy weight plus a few extra pounds. I was feeling the best I had felt in a long time.

"Thanks," I  kissed his cheek and called a wrap for the night, "we are all packed, we take off tomorrow and head straight for Dallas." Hunter smiled, rubbing his hands on my shoulders. "Uh, that feels amazing." I said quietly, sitting on a stool at the kitchen island.

"Why are you so tense?" He laughed, working through the knots in my neck and shoulders, "You're going on tour, not to war." He kissed my cheek and gave me a big bear hug.

"I'm always nervous before we get going," I shifted to face him, wrapping my arms around his hips, "I'm so glad you're in this with me. I could never do this alone." I rested my head on his chest, just staying there for a moment, savouring the peace and quiet before we made our way off to bed.

"Have fun ya'll!" Alexis waved from the front of the tour bus, "I'll see you in a few weeks." She stepped off and the bus roared to life as we headed out for Dallas, our first show tomorrow night. It was different having a mobile toddler on this tour -she needed constant entertainment to stop her from running around. 

"Sutton, want to watch a movie," I got my laptop and loaded opened netflix to several downloaded movies, "Mommy likes Finding Nemo." I started the movie, she sat with me and watched almost all of it until we had a pit stop for dinner before arriving in Dallas. 

The first night of the tour was like nothing I'd ever been a part of before. There were over twenty thousand fans. There was a new artist named Morgan Wallen who opened, I followed up with an hour long set. We had a great first night and the fans were incredible - loud, amazing and fun.

After Dallas, we went to Fort Worth, Tucson, Phoenix, Las Vegas, and Los Angeles. We had four days off and Alexis flew out and met us before the James Corden show. We were told that James Corden would pick us up and drive us around for about thirty minutes and we would all sing together. Alexis was going to mind Sutton back at the hotel. 

Just as planned, James Corden picked us up, literally in front of the hotel in an old school Ford truck with a bench seat. We piled in, I sat in the middle, Hunter by the door. We got started talking and the singing craze began. We sang I Want Crazy, Better Than This, and my last single Fire. We were literally, in tears from laughing so much. We met back up with Alexis and Sutton, "I hope she was good for you, I know she's getting to be handful." Hunter laughed.

"She was perfect!" Alexis beamed, "How was the drive? You guys have two days off until you hit the road again. I'm going to get cracking on the next few interview calls for ya'll."

"Perfect, thank you Alexis," we parted ways, Hunter and I headed back up to our room, laughing about the drive, "that was so much fun."

"It was! Definitely better than I expected." We met up with Dustin for dinner in the hotel. We had a lot of catching up to do, since the last time we spoke was probably as far back as our wedding. 

"She's the cutest little thing," he said, gawking over Sutton, eating her berries with her fingers while we had a casual dinner, "she must keep you guys busy." We laughed agreeing.

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