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You did everything you could to avoid meeting your soulmate. You knew that if your soulmate was involved in this revolution, there would be little chance of a happy ending for the two of you, so you pull your sleeve over your wrist, covering the compass on your wrist.

You roll your eyes at the protesters in the streets. You wholeheartedly agreed with them and their dream for a freer country, but you just wished there was a safer way to get there.

The man who seems to be their leader keeps glancing at his wrist, causing him to become distracted from his message. You can't help but smile at his distraction, hoping he finds the person that will make him happy. You stand in the crowd of people around them, giggling at the man.

His friend covers for him, and the mysterious man makes his way into the crowd, staring at his wrist. Seeing as the protest is over, you continue on your path to the market.

As you pick the fruits you need, you catch a glimpse of your compass that points behind you. You just roll your eyes, wanting to ignore the mark, and pull your sleeve over it again.

"Excuse me, ma'am."

You turn around and are greeted by the man from the protests. "Can I help you?"

"Can I see your wrist?"

Your eyes grow wide. "I beg your pardon!"

"I just," he holds out his wrist, revealing his compass pointing at you, "I know she's here somewhere. Is it you? Please."

You roll your eyes but hold your wrist out to him. "There, you can go now."

"Ma'am, it was pointing to me."

"What?" You snatch your arm back and walk around him, watching both your needles move in sync with your movement. "Well, that's unfortunate for you, because I want nothing to do with this soulmate thing." You set your purchases down and leave, holding your wrist to your chest.

The man chases after you. "Wait! Please!" He comes close enough to grab your shoulder. "I know this isn't your thing, but it's my thing. I've been waiting forever to find you. Can we at least spend some time together, and if you hate me, I'll leave you alone?"

"And if I don't? You're the leader of this revolution! I'm not going to meet my soulmate only to have him die!"

"You can't stop death," he states.

"But, you can postpone it," you counter.

"One evening, that's all I ask."

"I don't even know your name," you say, hoping to distract him.




"Fine," you give in. "But, you aren't allowed to die anytime soon."

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