29. Sophia ?

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Sophia's POV
I heard Adam crying I grabbed daddy's gun that was loaded with holy powder and ran to my baby brothers room. I screamed get away from him now. I said pointed the gun to the bloody thing. Ahh Sophia Winchester said Crowley. I shot him I screamed daddy. Dean came running in just as I shot Crowley. He said grab your brother and go get your mother and uncle Sammy now go ha said. I did as told. I grabbed Adam and took him to my mommy. I told uncle Sammy and mommy that Crowley was here. Sam ran to Adams nursery to help daddy I handed mommy Adam. She took him then she saw daddy's gun and asked why I had it. Mommy I heard Adam cry I had a bad feeling so I did what I thought was right by protecting him was right so I ran into his nursery and shot what I thought was gonna hurt him. I told her.
She smiled and said your just like your father doing what you think is best for your younger siblings.

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