three - better

3 1 0

michael pov

it was all a blur, really. i was awoken by the sound of shouting. ashton and luke yelling about calum. i heard something about a car. i threw some random clothes on and thumped downstairs, my footsteps echoing through the house.

luke was driving the car like a crazy person while ashton sat in the back silently. i ran my hand through my coloured hair and stared out of the window, hoping time would go quicker.

but finally, we arrived. we went to the desk and we were told where calum was.

his room was boring and white, and he lay motionless on the bed. thankfully, he was alive and breathing as well as awake. he didn't look great though.

"hey cal, how you feelin'?" asked ashton, standing by his side.
"i'm okay, i guess,"
"i can't believe you didn't see that car," i exclaimed.

"a flower for calum hood?" said a nurse, coming in, placing it on the small table next to the bed. a note was attached to the rose.
"read it for me would you, lukey?"
"get better soon. love y/n,"
"what does this mean?" calum wondered aloud.

"we better go, i have someone to get to," said luke urgently.
"you have a girlfriend?"
"yes...sorry, cal, we have to go,"
"okay. and michael, pick up a rose and send it to y/n's please on your way back,"
michael nodded in response.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2018 ⏰

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