Christine Duong Bio

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First Name: Christine

Last Name: Duong

Age: 16

Sex: Female

Relative(s): Calvin(father), Cindy(mother), Brandon(older brother), Tiffany(cousin), Catlin & Andrew(cousins), Emmy and Ethan(twin cousins), Benjamin(little cousin), Zachary(baby cousin), and so many more XD

Occupation: High school student

Appearance: Christine has short black hair and brown eyes with glasses. She wears clothes that are casual, but sometimes she wears tomboyish and girlish outfits. She has slender body with a pretty face and gets cute when she blushes a bit which attracts the male characters in the anime world she travels. She has a B cup chest, fantastic curves, and huge hips.

Height: 5' 1" (155 cm)

Weight: 121.2 Ib

Hair Length: Shoulders

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Personality: Timid, quiet, autistic, introverted, socially awkward, art loving, and smart, but will become the most sweetest girl if people get into her inner circle. Christine also has a bit of a temper if someone does something very annoying; particularly, Eros.

Like(s): Anime, Manga, writing fanfics and smut, reading lemons, drawing, art, kpop, BTS, Monsta X, EXO, Billie Eillish, reading Yaoi, her family, reading funny comments from her followers on Wattpad, BT21 merchandise, and being random XD

Dislike(s): Eros teasing her, people poking fun of her height, bullying, bitter melon, being waken up early, hot weathers, quizzes, and people stealing her phone

Bio: Christine Duong is a shy and quiet introvert who does nothing but draw and watch anime 24/7. Watching anime makes her happy when she's in a bad mood. She even joked about going adventures in the anime world. That's when her dreams are coming true. When Christine wakes up in a strange fantasy world, she meets a young man with pink hair named Eros, the god of love. Along with him is the dark haired god of dreams, Morpheus. Together, she, Eros, and Morpheus traveled different anime worlds where she forms friendships with other anime characters and romances with her anime crushes. How will she able to return to the real world? Who will be the lucky man she chooses by the end of the story? Will she ever get back home? Or stay in the world of excitement and adventure?

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