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Amalia woke up as the sun shone in on her sleeping body. Today was yet another work day. Another stressful day. But she was going to put on a brave face as per usual.

Stretching with a quick yawn she slowly rose from bed. Taking off the little clothes she had on, she slipped on a pair of black jeans and her work shirt. She had an early shift today and didn't want to miss it, in hopes of her pay being raised.

Grabbing her shoulder bag, she walked downstairs to come face to face with abuela. Amalia had moved away from her parents because of her reputation of be the rebellious one. Her grandmother was the only one who cared enough to take her in.

Her morning went by surprisingly easy as she walked along the freezing cold streets. She sipped hungrily on her coffee cup for warmth, only to feel a breeze of dry cold air hit her up the face.

She still had 30 minutes left until she had to start work. As her favourite record store caught her eye, she decided to take a quick browse.

Walking into the warmth that aroused in Electric Fetus, she always loved the feeling of this store in particular. The smell of vinyls and the calm soothing music always made her smile.

This day was different. Something was definitely different.

Prince had went to work that day, not expecting much but the yells of his boss Mr McGarry for being half an hour late. With a slight bit of swagger to his stroll he walked to work that day slowly and quietly as usual.

He was known for being quiet... but also known for being a young man not to mess with. His reputation of fighting and basketball got more than enough girls attention. But still at 17 years old he was pretty sensible and decided to wait until he found his soulmate before losing his virginity.

He was lazily slapping labels on the CDs that had just been brought in. That's when he heard it. A voice that intrigued him and also made his jaw drop as he stared into her brown eyes.

"This hasn't been priced yet... I was um wondering if you could put a price to it" the young girl asked while staring at him. He truly was a masterpiece.

She loved his style, his hair, his slim yet masculine frame and of course those eyes.

Eyes she thought she'd get lost in if she stared for too long. But he felt the same. They're souls were intrigued by each other. Hungry for more.

Finally snapping out of his daze he took the CD from her, hoping they're hands would somehow make contact. But she was sure that wasn't going to happen.

She had been hurt. At the young age of 16 even now she knew what heartbreak felt like. Her heart had been broken multiple times and she felt like she could never recover. Never find that person who could pick up the broken pieces of her heart and love them back together again.

She felt broken.

But to him she was a beauty. He didn't know anything about her, not even her name but somehow he felt relaxed around her. Calm yet on edge with excitement. Her beauty intrigued him yes, but her energy even more so.

She picked up on it right away. How he was staring at her as he scanned the CD. Her anxiety began to trouble her again as she wondered what he could be staring at. He was too good looking for her. He couldn't possibly like her.

I'm Yours जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें