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He was going too fast for her, and she scolded him as they rode they're bikes through the forest. "Prince slow down!" She yelled at him.

He chuckled hearing her. She really was cute when she was angry. "Ok, ok" he gave in as he slowed right down, seeing her come into reach again. "Slowcoach" he laughed at her making her pout "your not fair!" She yelled making him chuckle once more.

"Hey we're having fun aren't we" he smiled at her. She nodded, a slight blush tinted her cheeks.

She had met him outside the forest with her bike like he asked and here they were having fun like best friends. Nobody would have guessed they only met a day or two ago.

He stopped, throwing his bike onto the grass, only for her to copy him. He smiled at her. She looked stunning. Dressed in a regular tee shirt and jeans.

"Let's go" he said smirking at her. She stared at him. This boy really was crazy. As he walked deeper and deeper into the woods she followed.

"I hear something" he whispered to her. She felt her butterflies for him disappear as the fear scorched through her veins at the terrified look on his face.

As he stepped towards one of the bushes she bit her lip in fear. As he let out a scream she screamed also before stumbling over her self.

He couldn't control his fit of laughter as he watched her sit in the grass, holding her chest in fear. "Damn you!" She shouted at him making him laugh even harder. "C'mon now! That was funny!" He giggled.

"No it wasn't!" She pouted at him, standing up and dusting off her jeans.

They walked further into the forest, admiring the nature while talking to each other. "So where are you from... I know you ain't from here" he smiled at her. He could tell from her slight different accent and her dark eyes that she wasn't just any other Minnesotan.

She sighed in happiness thinking of her birth place. "Well... I was born in Spain. And raised in a village in Alicante for 8 years of my life. Then I came here" she told him. He was more than intrigued.

"What was it like growing up in Spain?" He asked. She smiled at the thought. It truly was the best childhood while she was in Spain. "Oh it was amazing... we grew up poor but it didn't feel like it. We would go to the community pool and to restaurants and there was a park right down the street" she smiled at him.

He smiled back. He gazed at her as they walked. He couldn't believe how perfect she seemed.

As they walked back they were silent. "Gimme your hand" he said holding his hand out to her. Her butterflies fluttered wildly in the pit of her stomach as she placed her hand into his.

As they walked back to they're bikes they gazed at each other secretly, both unknowingly sharing the same fluttering butterflies in they're stomach.

They rode on down the lane, headed towards the lake "Hey... you hungry?" She asked him. She didn't want to admit it out of embarrassment but she was starving.

"Why? Are you?" He smirked at her. "No" she mumbled in pity. "Well why'd you ask?" He asked her knowing damn well that she was hungry and just too cool to say.

"Wanna come back to my place and order some pizza. I could show you my room!" She said excitedly. She hasn't really had any guys round at her abuelas house, and her room was decorated pretty nice so she was excited to see what he'd say.

I'm Yours जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें