Chapter 1

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"Mummy, I'm scared."

"Go find your Dad sweetie, I'll handle this."

Katara runs, she runs straight out of her home to find her father.

"She's the one you want!" she hears an old lady shout, Katara stops and turns to the noise, she sees the old lady pointing her out to a guard from the Fire Nation. Several other people nod in agreement and encourage the guard to take Katara.

The guard tries to grab her, Katara jumps back in shock and bends water at the man, hitting him square on the chest and making him fall back with an 'oomph'.

"Don't touch me!" Katara screams as the man gets up and lunges at her again.

"General!" the man shouts, grabbing Katara by the arm, "I found her!"

The general comes out of Katara's home, dragging Katara's mother by her hair.

"NO!" Kya screams when she sees Katara in the arms of the other man, "No, not her, she's not the bender! I am, take me!"

"She bent water at me, sir," the man says, tightening his grip on Katara.

"I do not appreciate being lied to," the general snarls.

The next thing Katara knows is that she is being hauled onto the Fire Nation ship and taken below deck and thrown into a cell.

"Let me out!" she screams, she feels the ship start to move and her heart launches into her throat as fear consumes her.

Katara is taken from her home, she is kept in the small cell with little food and water. When the general opens her cage and the boat stops moving, Katara is almost too weak to stand.

"Get moving," the general snarls, pushing Katara up on deck.

Katara's little eyes widen as she sees the sky and land around her. The land has no ice or snow blanketing it; the air is warm.

"Where am I?" Katara asks, her whole body shakes in fear as she is pushed off the boat. Katara assumes she's in the Fire Nation.

"The Fire Lord wishes to have the girl brought to him," a messenger says, stepping forward as the general and Katara step onto the docks.

"I want to go home," Katara stutters, but no one listens.

Katara is passed over to the messenger and then shoved into a carriage she is then taken to the palace.

The messenger brings her before the Fire Lord. She is forced to her knees in front of the flames.

"Is this the girl?" a deep voice asks, Katara shakes in fear as she refuses to look past the fires.

"Yes, Fire Lord," The messenger says.

"Leave us," The Fire Lord commands, the messenger leaves and the fires die.

Katara hears the Fire Lords step down from his throne and approach her.

"What is your name?" he asks.

"K-katara," she stutters.

"When addressing me, you will call me Fire Lord, or my Lord," he commands, "is that clear?"

"Yes, Fire Lord," Katara whispers, hanging her head and refusing to look into the eyes of the man.

"Stand child," The Fire Lord commands, Katara obeys and rises to her feet.

Suddenly a cup of water is poured onto the floor in front of her.

"Bend this," the Fire Lord commands.

Katara, of the Fire NationTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang