Chapter 12

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Katara watches as Zuko fires at Aang, her heart shatters into a million pieces.

'How could I be so stupid?' she thinks to herself as she runs from Azula's fire.

Katara faces against Azula, Azula has gotten better; she is a master fire bender and her fire burns hotter than even her father's.

But Katara is a master water bender, she has grown so much in the last few months, but it's more than just skill, Katara has spite; she has anger and revenge on her side. Katara wants those who have wronged her to pay, they will pay for their crimes and her water will run red with their sins.

Katara grabs hold of Azula, she has one arm and one leg in a water grip, she is about to end it all when Zuko interrupts. Katara dodges another flame and then turns to glare at Zuko, she curls her lips in disgust as Azula attacks Aang.

"I thought you had changed!" Katara snarls, as she whips water at Zuko.

"I have changed," he answers, using long licks of flames to counter her water arms.

Katara doesn't try to reason with Zuko anymore.

'He's a monster,' she thinks, her face hard in anger as she faces him, 'Just like the rest of them.'

Katara isn't taking any more falls for him. She refuses to protect her enemy, she strikes with iron fists and refuses to feel sorry when Zuko gets hurt.


Zuko is astonished, Katara attacks him with such hatred, she is merciless and isn't holding back.

Zuko barely holds his own against the water bender.

'She's a traitor,' Zuko tells himself, he attacks Katara, he isn't holding back, 'She's a traitor, and she left you.'

Katara and Zuko go toe to toe, but the balance shifts as Dai Li agents enter the ring, Azula has them on her side.

The Dai Li surround Katara and Zuko goes to help his sister with the Avatar, the Avatar hides in a crystal tepee. Zuko and Azula ready themselves for when Aang remerges.

Zuko finds himself looking to Katara, she is doing well on her own, she takes down Dai Le agents, Zuko isn't sure if they are dead, or just unconscious. The tepee starts to glow and Zuko brings his attention back to the avatar.

Azula is no longer by his side, he readies to attack, the avatar re-emerges, his eyes and arrows are glowing as he is slowly lifted into the air.

Zuko feels the air become charged as the Avatar's power fills the room.

"Aang!" Zuko hears Katara scream, "Watch out!"

Suddenly the avatar is struck in the back by Azula's lightning and he falls.

"NO!" Katara screams, the sound sends a chill up Zuko's spine, he turns in time to see Katara riding on a tsunami wave that crashes over the Dai Li army and washes him away.

"Aang!" Katara gapes, kneeling over the Avatar and cradling him in her lap, "No."

Tears are streaming down Katara's face, she looks up to the Dai Li who start to surround her.

"Bring me the water girl," Azula commands.

Zuko looks to his sister as he stands back to his feet, then he looks to Katara, his eyes are wide, he doesn't want her hurt, he never wanted her hurt.

Zuko keeps his silence as he reminds himself, 'She's a traitor. She left you.'

The fight has gone from Katara's eyes, she knows that she is defeated.

Katara, of the Fire NationWhere stories live. Discover now