Chapter 4

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Ozai has Katara and Zuko spar frequently, Katara always makes sure that Zuko wins and Ozai is proud of Zuko's wins, he punishes Katara afterwards, but Zuko does not know about that, Katara always hides or heals the bruises and burn marks.

Katara fears Ozai's wrath, but fears the thought of it being turned on Zuko more, so she continuously takes the fall protecting Zuko from his father and sacrificing herself to his fires.

Zuko stops visiting Katara at night, he becomes closer with his sister and her friends as he gains praises from his father.

Katara is sitting out by the pond when she overhears a servant saying that Zuko is fighting in an Agni Kai against a general for speaking against him in a war meeting. Katara races inside, when she reaches the throne room, the door is locked and she can't get in.

The fight has already started, Katara can hear Zuko's voice on the other side of the door, he sounds scared. Katara presses close to the door, trying to hear what is going on.

"You will fight for your honour," Ozai declares, the sound of his voice sends a chill down Katara's spine.

"I meant you no disrespect," Zuko says, Katara realises that Zuko is not facing a general, but instead his father, "I am your loyal son."

Katara can hear the waver in Zuko's voice as he speaks.

"Rise and fight, Prince Zuko," Ozai commands.

Katara's heart leaps into her throat as Zuko refuses.

"You will learn respect, and suffering will be your teacher."

Zuko screams out, Katara's heart stops dead in her chest as she screams out too, her fists banging on the locked doors in front of her, but her screams are not heard.

After the fight, Katara hears Ozai speak again, but she cannot hear what he is saying.

Suddenly, the doors open and people begin to leave the room, complaining of the smell.

Katara races into the room, pushing past the crowd of people that move against her. The smell of burning flesh fills her nose, it makes her want to gag, but she doesn't stop, not until she reaches the stage where she sees Zuko, he is screaming in pain and clutching at his eye.

The pain is unbearable, Zuko grits his teeth and cries out, when he sees Katara, fear seeps back into him once more. Zuko can see the defiance in Katara's eyes, he can see the anger and determination as she jumps up onto the stage, her hands already covered in glowing, healing water.

"Leave him!" Ozai commands as Zuko continues to wither in pain.

"But he's hurt!" Katara pleads, not even looking at the Fire Lord as she speaks out against him, "Please let me heal him!"

"I said leave him!" Ozai snaps, Katara finally looks away from Zuko. Her eyes stare at the Fire Lord, smoke curls from his nostrils as he sizes up the girl in front of him.

"Please," Katara begs, "Your son is in pain, I can help him."

"You dare speak against me?!" Ozai snarls, "I am your Fire Lord."

"No, you're not!" Katara shouts, Zuko flinches and rises to his knees, trying to ignore the pain as Katara continues, "I am not Fire Nation, I answer to no Fire Lord."

Ozai looks down at Katara, she stands defiantly against him, her blue eyes lit with rage as she stands strongly against the Fire Lord.

Ozai contemplates killing the girl, he considers giving her a matching burn to Zuko's. But in Katara's eyes, he can see the spark, it's the spark that was missing from Zuko's eyes the day he was born.

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