Chapter 7: Alice Childhood

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"So, what exactly happened?" Logan asked.

Alice looked at him; she was happy to be able to talk to him about her childhood. She has never told anyone, not even her sister knows. No one else but her parents and a few of her uncle knows. 

"Well," Alice grabbed her fruit bowl. "I got to the cave and peeked in; after that, I went in. It looked empty to me, and I didn't see any harm or danger. I was supposed to be a careful child. The one that keeps out of trouble, but it was just that one time I rebel. After exploring the cave, I found a few things, a backpack, a canned food, and a weapon. Now, I didn't know what a gun or rifle was back then. And I was curious, and to me, it looked like a toy gun, like the ones my cousins had. I was distracted by it that I didn't sense or see the man approaching. At least I thought it was a man, but it wasn't. I saw the shadow; I turned around to spot a boy; he was a teen. And he had a nasty scar running down his face. I was so scared that I ran, at least I tried to run. But he caught me and dragged me to a corner where he pointed the rifle at me. He told me to stay quiet, or he would kill me."

Alice hated remembering that. It was the scariest day of her life. And it still is; she sometimes has nightmares about that. "What happened next?"

"He ask who I was, I told him, and he only smiled," she said. "He told me he knew I was a wolf and that he would take me to be a breeder. I didn't know what that meant until later on, when I was a bit older. I read it in a book, and I was glad to been have saved." She smiled. "Though he wasn't alone, another man had walked in, dragging a child, who was a bit older than me. He threw the boy next to me and yelled at him to stop running away. We sat there for what seemed like hours; they were planning a way to get out of my father's territory without getting caught. But I knew my father would never let them escape, especially if they had me."

"It must've had been scary," Logan said.

She nod. "Yes it was, I had to do everything they told me, to stay quiet and stop crying. They were planning on sneaking us out during the night when everyone was asleep. But what they didn't know was that they were more active at night. They tied my hands together and made us walk. We weren't halfway through the forest when I heard howls and knew that was my father and his men. The man and the boy rushed us toward the border. We did cross it, but my father wasn't about to let them take me. He crossed over and growled at the man. The man shot my father, but he didn't stand down. He jumped him and killed him."

"Then how did you get the scar?" Logan asked her.

"The boy," she said. "Through the whole chaos, I manage to get away and run toward where my mother was waiting for me. He ran after me and grabbed me. And then, I felt this searing pain in my back; it felt like boiling water fell on me. I didn't know what it was; I fainted from the pain. When I woke up, I found my mother beside me. She was crying."

"What touched you back?" He asked.

"It was a dagger," Alice said. "Made out of silver, and the teen had cut me with it; he was trying to kill me."

"I thought you are immune to silver," Logan said. "I mean, any object made out of it doesn't hurt you, but the silver powder does."

"The teen was smart enough to cover the dagger in silver powder," she said. "Nowadays, hunters are smart. And yeah, I was scared, and that caused my wolf to leave me."

"What happened to the boy and teen?" He asked.

"The teen escaped and took the boy away," Alice said. "I was hoping my father had saved him, but they had to hurry back because other hunters were approaching, and I was severely wounded. When I healed, I was a bit scared to go out. The clan's doctor told me I was traumatized by everything that had happened. And that the silver could've had affected my wolf."

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