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i set down my keys and my purse as i take off my heels.
today was so stressful.
i walk up stairs just wanting to lay in bed.
i see the door open just a slight bit as i see ethan bu his ring light. making a musically to the sound "imma make you pop like that's". i love him for being a muser.
i hug him and kiss his cheek then plop onto the bed.
"ethan come cuddle with me"
"hold up babe i need to take a fat shit"
i love how confident he is with me.
i hear the toliet flush and then a couple minutes later i hear another flush.
he comes out of the restroom and lays down right next to me.
i face towards him and just stare at him for a few seconds.
"babe i was in the restroom right. i was on my phone and i took a phat ass shit. lwiped myself then flushed but i guess i forgot that i already did cause i grabbed the toilet paper and wiped my dry ass and i swear it feel as if i bled. ahahah"
" i can relate so much ethan"
these are the moments i live for

ethan dolan imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now