You Come Here Often?

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Marco wasn't expecting the letters to come so early.

The boy woke up 4 hours before hand, brushed his teeth, trying getting every nook and cranny of his mouth clean, bathed for exactly 35 minutes, triple combed his hair, checked the lessons and introduction cards in his left pocket every few seconds, polished his shoes and put on his favorite red hoodie, opening it to show of the text on his blue shirt saying: 'Knowledge is Power'

Only one thing could get his blood running this early in the morning, his new job. He'd been accepted as the new 3rd grade Mathematics teacher of Echo Creek Elementary. He'd practically screamed to the top of his lungs when he received the acceptance letter from the school's principal.

And for a second he wondered, I only took the teacher's test a few days ago. Why'd they accept me on such short notice?

Maybe they were desperate? Maybe they really needed math teachers? What if there was some sort of glitch in the school's system and he wasn't actually accepted?

If anything, Marco was sweating his pants off. He was nervous as hell. He was ready, but the problem was he didn't exactly feel ready.

He slipped on his polished shoes and looked around at his big apartment room. His sleepy room mate and best friend, Tom, slept on the opposite side of the room. Tom's part of the room was engulfed in strange cult worshipping rock bands and week-old or maybe even month-old clothes littering his side of the floor.

"It's a phase I'm going through, Marco. Don't judge." Tom had retorted When Marco had asked about why he had such a terrible grooming and taste in music.

Marco only rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, "How old are you? 14? It's too late for you to be an edgelord."

"Am not! Now just leave me to rot under the darkness..." Tom grumbled silently as he slummed back into his bedsheets.

Marco chuckled at the memory. Tom always was a sleepy head. Maybe he really was undead, Who knows.

Looking at his best friend wrapped cozily in his bed made Marco's eyes heavy. I mean he did wake up 4 hours before school had even started. And about two hours just getting ready.

A struck of realization hit him. He quickly checked his watched and saw that it was still 6:00, Two more hours before school starts.

He had nothing better to do, and he was hoping for a bit of a walk.
But first, he needed a pick-me-up. A crisp hot cup of coffee would do. But not with Tom's old coffee maker. Last time he used that, the coffee packet exploded and they had to camp in the middle of the street for the whole night because the coffee dust was literally everywhere. 

No, he needed a safer way of getting coffee.

He gently opened the apartment door, being careful not to wake up his friend. He took one last glance at his apartment room and stepped outside.


The loud chime of the metal bars on the café's doors suddenly made Marco super aware of his surroundings, he was too busy playing on his phone to realize that he was already inside the café.

Marco inhaled the strong, refreshing scent of crushed coffee beans. Very different from the smell of dew and rain outside. He listened to the distinct clamor of the crowd and the smooth jazz music playing through the speakers on the brown poles of the building.

Mewni was his favorite place to get a good coffee. The ambiance was nice, the coffee was cheap, and it's specialty, latte ala Mewni was more than delicious to say the least.

"Here you go sir, one of Mewni's finest," He handed the cashier her money and took his latte, "Next please!"

He sat back down in his seat and added sugar to his cup, and gently blew on the small hole before taking a sip.

"You come here often?" A small voice said to his right. He glanced and his eyes met with two, big blue orbs.

It was a girl, she had blonde hair, silky white skin, and big blue eyes hiding behind small glasses. Perched on her head was a cute red hairband with devil horns. She was wearing a striped baby blue undershirt and a thin dark blue long sleeve coat. He dared himself not to look down any further.

To others, she would look like any other person in the café. But the Marco. She was knock out gorgeous. It felt as if she was the only person in the whole café.

Marco tried to speak, but no words came out.

"U-uh, Uhm..."

"First time talking face-to-face with a girl?" The mysterious girl smiled, before chuckling. Crap, even her laugh was intoxicating!

"Well, i-if you don't count my mom then, Yes. First time." He said in reply.

Marco didn't really find it funny, but the mysterious girl found it hilarious. Marco grinned along. It took her about thirty seconds for her to calm down.

"So back to my question, you come here often?" She asked, this time Marco was confident enough to answer.

"I do, its ten times better then having to use my roommate's old coffee machine. Still, it tastes better than Starbucks."

The girl grinned in response, Marco's heart skipped a beat every time she laughed.

This time, Marco was the one to ask, "What's your name?"

"Star Johansen, yours?" She declared with a grin.

"Marco Diaz." He replied, getting lost in her blue eyes.

Star chuckled, not saying anything, but her eyes told Marco she was having fun talking to him. Her large orbs were captivating the boy so much that he didn't even notice her check her phone and look at the time.

"Oh, hey Marco. I have to get to work." But her words travelled straight through out of his head, "See yah!"

She handed him a small slip of paper as she got off her seat and waved him goodbye as she slowly left the café. Marco watched as she passed by and sped off downtown.

It took the boy a while before he could register what had just happened. He just talked to a girl! That's something some men of his type never get to do!

He opened the slip of paper, it read in almost perfect cursive handwriting: "Facebook: Star Johansen (B-Fly) Twitter: Str_Btrfly Instagram: I-am-a-Star46"

It was her social media platforms. Who would have thought the old can-I-have-your-number cliche was still around?

Marco pressed his lips on his coffee cup again and noticed all of his drink was already gone. He reached in to his pocket and fished out his phone while walking out of the coffee shop.

He looked up at the long black bar at the top of the phone screen, and his eyes grew to the size of tennis balls. 7:46, just a few more minutes until school starts!

"Oh shit!" He cursed before dashing through the streets of Echo Creek.

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