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IMPORTANT: Okay I know you guys are probably disappointed but listen! Please? So first off, what the actual fuck. Really guys, I'm not someone who is all like, oh my gosh please vote! But SERIOUSLY. If you've read it to this point, you must like it at least a LITTLE. Seventeen people read the last chapter, but only seven of them voted. I'm not saying you have to vote, but really it takes like two seconds out of your day to just press the little star. I'd make me feel happy, and if you don't care about my feelings then know that if you vote I'll be inclined to write more often.

Second, I ask you questions and nobody answers! When I ask my readers a question it's because I want an answer guys, not so I can stalk you, or whatever you think I'll do if you comment. I like comments and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. No one has said anything rude so far... at least I think so. I love you guys! Answer my questions, and leave comments so that I can make the story better for everyone!

Btw I will be updating the story in a few days, promise. Thanks for reading if you did :)

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