Weekend Getaway

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The next day came, Saturday. Mina was correct. The sun was shining brightly, almost no cloud in sight. Truly a perfect day for camping. The students met up in their homeroom.

Midoriya walked in, greeted first by Todoroki.

"Good morning, Midoriya."

The freckled boy prepared his response in his mind. Stuttering a bit, but still intelligible.

"G-good morning, Todoroki-kun."

In Midoriya's head, he thought that the everyday greetings meant nothing but simple friendliness. As for his cowardness, he's too shy to actually confess how he really feels.

Even though Uraraka and Iida have been telling him otherwise, he just declined, thinking that they just told him that to make him feel better.

After a while, all the students had arrived, packed and ready. And so, Aizawa told them the rules.

"Everyone's here. Alright, rules are no one goes exploring alone. After we get there by bus, we set up the tents and you can all go look around. Be back before sundown, then we prepare dinner."
He said in his signature sleepy, monotonous tone.

Mina nodded to Yaoyorozu, then Yaoyorozu nodded to Uraraka.

Uraraka whispered to the two,
"Remember the plan!"
Yaoyorozu replied,
"Loud and clear."
Mina gave them a wink and a thumbs up.

"What are you three whispering about?"
The homeroom teacher spoke.

Uraraka stuttered from shock.
"N-nothing! S-sir!"

Aizawa could sense that she was lying, but he decided to let it go, since it was a small matter.
"Alright, the bus should be arriving about now. Get your things and go downstairs to the courtyard."

Everyone agreed and started heading to the meeting place.

The bus arrived, and so everyone got on and took a seat.
On the left side of the bus, there were two seats arranged horizontally, repeated with the right side.
(A/N:||   || like this and tell me if i explained it right)

Yaoyorozu and Mina escorted everyone else to their seats, except for Todoroki and Midoriya, which were being stopped from stepping on the bus first by Uraraka.

Finally, everyone else were escorted to their seats, questioning why they were escorted in the first place.
Midoriya, being the very oblivious sunshine that he is, spotted the peculiar two empty seats next to each other, without questioning why.

"Guess we're seatmates, Todoroki-kun!" The freckled boy said with a smile.

Todoroki blushed a bright pink, but snapped out of it quickly. He gave Midoriya a nod, and both went and sat down.

The bus driver asked everyone if they were ready to go, all of them agreed, and so they started their trip on the way to the campsite.

The ride was peaceful, no bumps on the road. The driver had been to the site a few time, as to why he knows where to go.

From out the windows, you could see the forest before the cliff, and large body of water before it. There was the cliff as well, the perfect spot for just relaxing and looking at the beauty of nature surrounding them.

Midoriya gazed in awe of the picturesque scenery before him. Due to the calm and breezy ride, he yawned.

"I'm going to take a nap, if I move around too much, tell me. Okay, Todoroki-kun?"
He told the male beside him.

"Okay. Sleep well." Todoroki replied.
After Midoriya heard that he understood, he dozed off to sleep.

Todoroki was just staring at the road at front when a while later he feels something touching his shoulders.

He looks over to his right and is greeted with a sight of the beautiful scenery out the window, with the person he adores the most, looking so adorable dozing off on him. Almost like he was the sunshine in the scenery.

"S-so cute..." Todoroki thought to himself.

He indeed does find Midoriya to be quite the adorable ray of sunshine, from his muttering chants from time to time, to his simple acts such as motivating others, and just being the cute nerd he is. Sometimes, he can't look at him directly, because his light shines too brightly for his dual-colored eyes. He just wishes the other male felt the same.

After thirty minutes of just Todoroki blushing hard in his seat, unable to move, not knowing what to do, and preventing his fire power from coming out, the driver informed everyone that they would soon arrive at their destination.

Aizawa-sensei got out of his sleeping bag, and stood. Holding onto the long, metal pole.
"Wake up the ones sleeping. We're almost there." He instructed the class.

Now, Todoroki didn't want to be too aggressive, so he just poked Midoriya's shoulder, 'til he opened his eyes.

Todoroki smiled.
"We're almost there. Did you sleep well?" He asked the messy green-haired boy, rubbing his eyes.

After he did, he replied.
"Ah? Oh, yeah, it was so comf-"

Midoriya snapped back to reality. He found himself resting on Todoroki, who seemed to not mind, at all.

A quick second went by before Midoriya apologized countless times.

"Ah! Sorry, Todoroki-kun! I didn't mean to-"

Todoroki let out a chuckle.
"It's alright. You looked pretty peaceful."

"Why didn't you wake me up so I could move to my side? I don't want to be a bother..." He asked the bi-colored boy.

Todoroki started fidgeting.
"Uhm, I-"

The teacher interrupted their little chat.
"We're here." He stepped out of the bus. Revealing their campsite with a cliff, surrounded by trees and water.

The students got off the bus, bidding goodbye to the bus driver and wishing him a safe ride back. Excited expressions all around, they started unpacking.

They unpacked in groups. Some set up the tables for eating dinner later, some set up the tents (Aizawa let them set it on the cliff.), and some unpacked their own bags.

As soon as they finished, they were given permission to explore. It was a big but remote area. But as the rule stands, you pair up with the one you seated with.

Midoriya grinned at Todoroki and took his hand.
"Let's go wander in the forest, Todoroki-kun!" He said, with his bright green eyes glimmering with happiness.

The green-haired boy had just realized what he said and done, and immediately let go of Todoroki's hand.
He stuttered, "A-Ah! I'm s-sorry! If you d-don't want to do that, it's f-fine.."

The taller male replied, "Oh, it's okay. I have nothing to do anyway. ...Shall we?".

Todoroki extended his hand out to the boy burying his head under his arms, still feeling a bit embarrassed, but took the bi-colored boy's hand.

Midoriya put his hand to the back of his head.
"O-okay, l-let's go then...".

The two walked into the extensive forest, with Midoriya taking the lead.

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