Finally Understand

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Midoriya held Todoroki's hand as they went through the verdant forest. Before the two were towering, leafy trees, shrubs bursting with colorful fruit, above them, an ice-blue sky, with the bright, beaming sun glowing behind only the littlest amount of clouds, and the warm summer breeze brought to them.

The freckled boy let go of the warm hand, and went up to the hazel nest where three baby birds were nestling in.

"Aww, they're so cute! Look at them, Todoroki-kun!" He said as he put the trio on his scarred hands. Todoroki pet their feathers and lifted them over Midoriya's head. He placed them on top of Midoriya's fluffy, green hair. The birds preferred their new placing much more.

"They seem to like it." The bi-colored boy spoke to the blushing person in front of him.
"As long as they're happy...". Midoriya replied, being careful not to move too much, as it would disrupt the birds' peacefulness.
Yaoyorozu was "walking by" when she stopped for a moment and looked at the adorable couple. She hurried over to their side of the forest.
"Do you guys want a picture?" Yaoyorozu said, holding her professional camera, ready to take a shot.
The two stood closer to each other and made peace signs with their hands. They grinned with pure happiness as the camera captured the scenery.

"Thank you, Yaoyorozu-san!" Midoriya bowed and started walking back to camp.
"Let's go, Todoroki-kun!" He said to the taller male who was approaching Yaoyorozu.
"Go on ahead. I'll catch up." Todoroki said to Midoriya. He gave a quick nod and headed back to camp.
"Give me the picture later." The bi-colored male murmured to her.
"Already on it." Yaoyorozu said as she took the film out of the camera, and handed it over to Todoroki.
"Thanks." He said, grateful, but not quite obvious.
"We're supporting you!" She said as she gave him a fistbump.
They both waved goodbye and Todoroki walked back to camp.

The bi-colored male saw the other students eating snacks, and some gazing at Midoriya's green, fluffy hair.
"So cute, kero!" Asui commented on the tiny bird friends in his hair.
Meanwhile, Dark Shadow was going crazy over them. Going round and round saying, "Cute, so cute!", while Tokoyami just stood there, embarrassed.
Koda stayed silent, but put on a bright pink blush, being pulled into the adorableness of the small birds.
Midoriya didn't know what to do. He looked around and saw Todoroki standing there, observing.
"Ah-Todoroki-kun! I forgot to put them back!" He whimpered as his fellow classmates flooded him with chatter.

"I think I'll name this one, Denki!" Kaminari said, petting the yellow one.
"That's stupid! You shouldn't be the one to name them." Jiro replied.
"Where's their mama bird?" Hagakure said in a sympathetic tone.
"Maybe she's in there somewhere! Trapped!" Kirishima gasped.
"Quick! Let us dig them out! Be careful not to pull out Midoriya's hair!
Hair loss is a serious problem." Iida instructed.
"Oh non!" Aoyama cried.
The group searched for the said mama bird.

Bakugo and Mineta were just sitting on a picnic table.
"What's the deal with sh*tty Deku's hair? Just some f*cking birds?" Bakugo shouted.
"Why don't they get amazed when I put some in my hair?!" Mineta bawled.
Todoroki finally snapped out of it and attempted to pull Midoriya out of the buzzing crowd.
He managed to do it, but when Midoriya came out, his clothing was all dirty.
"S-sorry guys, but you're scaring them!" He pulled the three frightened birds out of his hair.
"Wait--where's the mom?" Uraraka asked.
"Ah, there was no mom. It was just these three in the nest." Midoriya replied, as he pet the cowering birds.
"W-What?! Then that means the mama bird's searching for her young ones!" Mina yelled.
"Hurry, Midoriya! They look like they miss their mom!" Sero said to the startled boy.
Midoriya hurried back to the nest, and carefully placed them back in. As it turns out, the mother was waiting in the nest the whole time. The three birds nestled upon their mother and rested.
The green-haired boy waved goodbye and ran back to camp.

Aizawa saw the panting, dirt covered boy, and immediately spoke.
"Midoriya. Clean yourself up."
Midoriya replied, "Y-Yes, Sensei..."
He retreated back to his tent and got dressed.
Todoroki patiently waited for him to come out.
And so he did, he wore an All Might shirt, and a pair of knee-length shorts.
"Still an All Might fanatic, I see?" Todoroki commented on his outfit.
Midoriya buried his red face in his
"I-It's embarrassing... I didn't expect to change clothes this fast... I really gotta get over my fanboying, don't I..." He murmured under his scarred hands.
Todoroki got nervous, noticing that what he said was taken the wrong way. He suddenly looked away, with a tint of pink on his cheeks.
"You're All Might obsession is part of what makes you so adorable, Midoriya. I think it's cute when you wear those..." He looked shocked, realizing what he said. Midoriya, being Midoriya, took it as a compliment.
"You don't think it makes me look like a huge nerd?" He looked at his bi-colored orbs.
"You are a huge nerd. But, it's one of the traits that make me so attracted to you." Todoroki replied with a smile.
"Come on, let's go to the others." He walked past him and headed to the picnic tables.
"...Attracted...?" Midoriya thought to himself. "No way... That's impossible... I-"

Suddenly, he was spooked by two familiar faces who jumped out behind the tent.
"Have you figured it out, Deku-kun??" Uraraka esctatically asked, jumping up and down.
"You're smart, Midoriya, just oblivious. You should have put the puzzle pieces together months ago!" Iida added.
"Y-You guys! H-How long have y-you been watching?" He got startled.
"Long enough. So, do you understand now?" Iida pushed his glasses up.
"Does T-Todoroki-kun really like me?" Midoriya asked innocently.
"Obviously--yes! He's been flirting since the School Festival! Haven't you noticed?!" Uraraka jumped up and down even faster.
"E-Eh?! Why didn't you guys tell me?" Midoriya replied in confusion.
"We've been telling you for months. Months. Also, everyone else in the class knows!" Iida raised his voice a bit.
"Ah--Thank you for telling me! I'm going to catch up! See you later!" Midoriya waved goodbye to the two and zoomed off.
Uraraka yelled, "Goodluck, Deku-kun! Invite me to your wedding!"
Iida added, "As for me, as well!"

Midoriya ran as fast as he could and eventually caught up to Todoroki, who was sitting on a picnic bench with the others.
"Oh, Midoriya? What took you so long?" He asked as the freckled boy sat down across him.
Midoriya stuttered.
"Uraraka-san and Iida-kun just t-talked to me, that's all...".
"Hm. I see. We're planning what food to prepare for dinner. Do you have any suggestions?" Todoroki asked him.
"Ah, sorry, can't think of one. I'll leave it to you guys." He replied.

Todoroki and the others went on with discussing and debating which food they would cook for dinner later.
"How about curry?" Mina said to the group.
"We already did that last time, kero." Asui replied.
"What if we cook vegetables?" Said Ojiro.
"What a mad banquet of vegetables." Tokoyami murmured.
"Vegetables?! Hell no!" Kaminari replied.
"But it's sufficient for a hero's well-being, is it not?" Iida replied to Kaminari.
"Then let's cook chicken!" Uraraka grinned.
"Revelry in the camp." Tokoyami murmured, once more.
Bakugo rummaged through the large bag of ingredients.
"Let's just f*cking cook Katsudon. So you can all shut the f*ck up already!" He shouted.
"Eh? Why Katsudon?" Hagakure replied.
"Because we have enough ingredients, that's why! And 'cuz it's sh*tty Deku's favori-"
"AAAAAHH! I JUST FORGOT I HAD TO DO SOMETHING WITH BAKUGO!!!!" Uraraka interrupted Bakugo and rushed off to him.
"What the hell was that, Round Face?!" He spoke in an angered tone. (A/N Honestly he always speaks in an angered tone)
"Don't just blurt out the plan!" She whispered.
"Why the f*ck not?! This sh*t is f*cking stupid!" He replied.
"If this goes wrong, I'm sabotaging your date with Kirishima!" She threatened.
"Do that and I'll explode your f*cking round face to the moon." He threatened as well.
"I won't hesitate, Bakugo." She replied. (A/N Plus points to those who get the reference!)
Uraraka mocked Bakugo by attempting to make him float. Bakugo stopped her by finally speaking.
"Tch. Fine." He said, clearly annoyed.
Uraraka turned back to students, who were in a state of confusion, with a smile on her face.

"It's all good, guys! Let's cook Katsudon! She raised her fist up in the air.
Everyone did so as well.
Midoriya whispered to Todoroki.
"Todoroki-kun, I feel like this day's going too well for me.. Katsudon's my favorite food.."
Todoroki replied sweetly.
"Only the best for you, Midoriya." The green-haired boy blushed.
Everyone else stood up and started on the cooking.
"Bakugo, you're in charge of the cooking. I'm going to nap." Aizawa spoke up.
"The hell?! You just f*cking woke up from one!" He threw a tantrum.
"Alright! Bakugo, what do we do?!" Mina asked him.
"Fine, everyone clean your f*cking hands! Listen to me! Obey me! Got it?!" He boasted.
"I think the power's gotten over his head..." Kirishima laughed.

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