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Blood + continuation

I've watched this anime series at least three times and I watched it again a few days ago. I hate when I get addicted to the anime and I know that their isn't going to be a second season and my heart is just in pain. So I decided in going to write what I think that should happen after episode 50. This is my ideas and opinion, so no hates please.

Kai P.O.V

It's been 15 years since Saya went into her deep sleep. I don't regret what I did at the entrance of the family grave, even though I won't be berried their along with my father and Riku's remains. I and my self Saya's Chevalier. A sad smile spread across my face at the memory.


Tears flooded out if my eyes as I felt Saya going limp on my back. She'll wake up in thirty years and I'll be old and weak. I'll die and Saya and her nieces will continue living, eventually forgetting about me and the others.

I opened the concrete door and walked into the room, that is only lit by the moonlight coming through the door. I stared at the old cocoon and gently places their. I can't leave her if Hagi is dead. I grabbed a pocket knife from my jeans and with a shandy hand, jammed it into my chest. My breath came out heavy and slow as the pain increased. I quickly but carefully grabbed Saya's pale hand and cut the tip if her finger putting it into my dry mouth. I sucked on the rosy blood until her wound slowly healed.

I leant against the concrete wall next to Saya's cocoon that was slowly devouring her until it was close. My eyes grew heavy and then the pain started. I blacked out.

End of flashback

"Kanade!" Screamed Hibiki. I chuckled at the girls. "Stop stealing my make up!" Hibiki yelled at her sister again. After Saya's went to her deep sleep, I have raised her nieces as my own children even though their a handful. Kanade inherited her blues eyes from her mother Diva, while Hibiki looked a lot like Saya with her reddish brown eyes. But they are different from their mother and aunts, they were raised to live each other.

When they were younger it was a constant worry if they got their blood into one another and crystallised but that has never happened. The girls know all about their mother and aunts past but they will not repeat their mistakes, they are a new generations. "Kai! Julia and David are here!" Yelled Hibiki. I got out of my seat from the bar counter and headed to the door. I was greeted by Julia's sweet smile and David's aged face.

"Come in!" I greeted them. Julia kissed me on the cheek and I blushed slightly while David and I shook hands. I showed them to the table. "What is that you wanted to talk about?" Asked David serious as ever. "Is their a possibility that Hagi is still alive" I stated. They both tried to hold back their shock expressions but failed. Julia cleared her throat and spoked up "their was always a possibility that Hagi is still alive" David and I nodded our head in agreement. "But are you a hundred percent certain?" She asked.

"I visited Saya a few days ago and outside the grave was a pink rose tied up in hagi's blue ribbon, also I heard a cello playing in the distance" David out his hand to his chin, deep in thought. "Could this be a sign she's waking up soon?" Asked David. I just shrugged my shoulder, "I'm not sure but I have felt a pull towards the family grave lately" Hibiki and Kanade's excited squeals erupted the room. "Is ain't Saya waking up?" Asked the girls at the same times. "We are not one hundred percent certain yet" answered Julia.

"I really want meet aunt Saya!" They yelled enthusiastically. I smiled, "I know you girls do but she still has another 15 years if sleep and then she'll meet you guys" they nodded their head sadly and headed upstairs to their rooms. "They really do remind me of Saya" stated Julia. I nodded my head in agreement. "If Joel the first had raised them together would they both still be alice and happy like them?" Asked David, "but sadly we can't answer that what happened in the past is the past. All the bloodshed, death, tears and pain are gone now and are replace with happiness but regret" I couldn't agree more.

Blood + fanfiction continuation: awakeningWhere stories live. Discover now