New me

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This story is not top priority, so it won't be updated often. While waiting for the next update please read my other stories!!!

Blood... it made my existence. The luscious blood so warm and creamy on my tongue. The scent is like a garden if roses and addicting like cocaine.

"What's wrong with her?" Asked Kai from the distance, pass the black abyss. "Maybe she's like us?" Suggested Kanade. As if sensing the confusion Hibiki spoke up, " maybe the only way to stop her craving if blood is to digest it. She only had blood transfusions the last time she was awake. She has only been asleep for 15 years, her scars are not all yet healed"

I like her theory and it's probably true. I never use to eat heaps of human food until I lost my memories. I guess I ate so much food as a replacement for blood. Blood transfusions and digesting blood is not the same thing. Blood. I'm so thirsty.

I slowly opened my eyes and was instantly blinded by the bright light. "Hagi?" I croaked out, unsure where he is. "Saya" his reassuring voice enter my ears and his shadow castes over me. My sense where all off a sudden more alert and I can hear his rosy blood pumping through his body.

My body aches for him and without him I will die. "Auntie Saya!" Hibiki and Kanade exclaim happily, with their smiles wide exposing the tip of their fangs. I smiled softly trying to ignore my dry throat and hide my extended fangs.

"What time is it?" I croaked?

"It's lunch time" Hibiki answered.

"Kai can you make your bloody stew?" Kanade asked.

"Sure" and with that said Kai headed towards the kitchen.

"what's in this bloody stew?" I asked more clearly after swallowing a lot of spit. "Raw cow, chicken blood, onions, carrots, capsicums and a secret ingredient" Kanade and Hibiki said the same time.

"Here" Hagi said as he offered me a red dress, the colour if his delicious blood. It was a skater dress and it looked good. The girls both smiled at my appearance. Their beautiful delicate smiles. A soft blue and pink rose. Diva and I were a radiant blue and dark red rose.

Their so much alike. If diva and I were raised together, would we have been like them. I felt a hot bloody tear land on my cheek. I turned my attention to Kanade. She's so much like diva; playful, smiley, childish and all without the evilness and madness that diva had.

"Aunty Saya? Are you alright?" The girls questioned. I nodded my head faintly before engulfing them into a hug. Diva if only you were alive.

"Lunch is ready!" Kai called out and I awkwardly let go of them. As we entered the kitchen the smell of blood hit me so hard, that I was about to dive into the bowl.

I sat down with everyone and we all dug in. Julia and David had left so it was just us left. Chrioptian queens and my chevaliers.

"Do you girls have chevaliers?" I asked suddenly and caught them off guard. They looked really nervous and now I am even more curious. "No we don't but we have possible candidates for one" Kanade said. I nodded my head and dropped the subject for now.

"That was delicious Kai" I said after licking the blood off my lips.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. It's the girls favourite" he said nervously. Why is he so nervous? Is it the fact I'm about to kill him cause he made himself my chevalier without my permission? Probably so.

"I want to see outside!" I said suddenly, "I've been asleep for 15 years the world has probably changed a lot" and with that said I walked to the door.

"Saya" Hagi called out with his monotone voice. I turned around and looked at him. "Yes?" I asked impatiently. "You need proper clothiers and under garnets. Your old room is still yours and it's wardrobe has been updated by the girls"

I slowly walked towards my old room, slightly nervous. I opened the door and I am shocked at how different it is. The walls are painted a deep red. A small bed in the cover with black satin. A small black desk with a mirror on it and my wardrobe.

Everything was black and red. I grabbed a red singlet and a black skater skirt. I chucked on some black shoes and I was all done. It felt weird moving my limbs and my long hair got in the way. I will ask Hagi to cut it for me.

"Hagi!" I called out and he appeared at my door. "Can you cut my hair please?"

"Of course Saya" and with a slight bow he grabbed scissors and walked towards me. Why is he being to formal and emotionless as before? I wish he'd act like how he did before the war.

"How would you like your hair?" He asked. I thought for a moment. I want a fresh start. "cut it to my waist" I said.

I heard him snip away and felt less weight pulling on my head. I smiled softly at my reflection. I looked so much like diva with this hair cut. If only I hadn't killed her. It's my fault the girls don't have a mother. I am a monster.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2014 ⏰

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