the lotas pond

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1: you were outside in a forest exploring around. it was night however you had a flashlight to show you things nearby. (the escapist) snow was actually right next to you because you two were friends. she slowly crawled up on your back "heeyyyy" she giggled "you have to keep going straight! its close!" she smiled. as you passed a few more trees sleepily you came across a huge pond. there were lily pads and glowing lotas flowers of all colors. snow giggled "here we aree!" you..? (fyi its like 2 in the morning)

2: one night (at like 10 pm this time) you heard noises near your house in the woods. as you went to adventure the giggles increased. you walk up to see snow in a tree jumping around, shala (the sea princess) in the water, floria (the flower raccoon) floating on a giant lily pad. there were some other random animal hyman hybrids there that were hanging out. they then looked at you...

3 you (a hybrid) were hanging out at the pond with other hybrids you were friends with other hybdids. suddsnly  a loud bang went off and bad people came in to destroy it. they chased other hybrids with their guns and tried pouring oil into the water. "no!" snow yelled and tried fighting them as long with a few after.
run? or fight?

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