Me: *walks through door* HOLA MIS AMIGOS!

Shakym: whoa is that Spanish I hear?

Me: si! I've been learning Spanish in school and I've actually gotten a little good!

Amour: impressive,  but there's something important we must talk about..

Me: oh?

Everyone: *takles me and ties me up*

Summer: *polishing tuna* where've ya been?

Me: *sweating nervously* oh hahaha uuhh..

shakym: come on man,  there's no avoiding this

Me: I don't know I can teleport awah

Amour: wouldn't do you any good since we have the same powers as you

Me: damn! What was I thinking?! Equality among friends? *sigh*

S&S&A: hey!

Me: oh I said that out loud? *chuckles nervously*

Shakym: come on! Spill

Me: OK OK! I've just been busy with school-

Amour: lies! You've been done with school since May!

Me: dammit! I forgot I told you guys

Summer: *holding tuna* now the truth..

Me: T^T OK! I've just been preoccupied with Netflix watching Supernatural and The Office!

Everyone: -_- seriously?

Me: yeah! I needed some way to ease into summer

Shakym: *facepalms* do you know how long it takes to write these chapters you do?

Me: *mutters* like 20 minutes

Shakym: and you couldn't spare- *sighs* it's fine let's just let it go guys

Summer: what?! I wanted to use the tuna!

Me: T-T thank you so much

Shakym: no worries

Amour: just take time to write chapters! We need to know the deets

Me: OK fine.  Now can you please untie me?

Summer: no! Think about what you've done >:3

Me: ;^; whhhyyyy

Hey guys!! Sorry I've gone radio silent! I moved last  summer and I've been trying to adjust after changing schools twice. Now.... About The Cycles Mistake.  I have the prorogue written but I'm making a lot of edits since I've been getting a lot of constructive criticism IRL. So I'm not going to set a deadline since I don't want to give you guys false hope XD.  Anyways thanks for reading and see you guys later! Peace! ✌️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2018 ⏰

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