triger - mount weather

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"Survive now, cry later."


Gorgina Foy P.O.V.

I lick my lips as everyone walks onto earth but I stay on the platform for a few more seconds before I step out onto the soil.

It feels squishy, but a good kind.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, release it as I open my eyes.

So this is how earth feels like then.

"Hey." I squeal before turning around and coming face to face with no other than Bellamy Blake.

"What do you want?" I snap, I don't want to deal with him right now, maybe not for another hundred years.

"Talk." He moves his head to the inside of the drop ship, I roll my eyes before giving him the response he wants, "Fine."

I walk in and he follows shortly after me.

"Anthony said to look after y-" I cut him off before he can continue.

"What the hell did you do?! That was our only guard, one who knew everything about survival. Everything. And I know he didn't give you an easy passage, you did something to hurt him or to hurt someone else." I ramble furiously.

"Gorgina." He groans, pulling my arm back as I walk away but he pulls it too hard, making me land face first onto his chest.

I pull away, my eyes getting watery.

"We're gonna die here, Bellamy." My voice breaks and he pulls me into a hug, only if my dad was seeing this.

"Shh, shh, hey, I'll take care of you, I promise." He whispers into my ear, playing with the end of my braid.  I close my eyes, relaxing for few minutes before I pull away.

"I'll see you around." I wipe the tears off my face and make my way back outside, no one can think I'm weak and I messed that up already.

I keep on walking until I see Clarke and Finn from afar, pretty much I know almost everyone, my guards tend to gossip and my dad use to tell me every crime that happened and showed me pictures of the criminals. But here I am, following their footsteps.


I close the classroom door behind me, leaving my class of five to six year olds. Well not my class yet, I'm an intern to be a teacher with Penny Parker's class, she's a family friend.

"Everything good?" I ask Anthony, he's one of my dad's favorite guard due to him being good in almost everything, I have yet to come up with something that he's not good in.

"Your dad wants you to meet the new guards." My dad loves that, showing me off to his new guards and telling them I'm off record and let's not forget I know most things so I tell my dad who'll do good and who won't, we even do deals.

"Lead the way, then." I instruct and he does as follows, walking me down the halls until we reach the guard room, it's my dad's office but it's quite big with a good view of earth. I use my ID badge to unlock the door and it slides open.

I walk in with Anthony behind me and I come face to face with the new four guards.

"Hi." I greet them, the one at the end catching my eyes, he's quite good looking if I have to be truthful. Very.

"Melissa Ryan, Tony Tyler, Albert Torres, and Bellamy Blake." I see my dad at the end of the office, watching my every move with his eyebrows raised. I shake my head with a giggle and focus back on what I'm doing.

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