triger - sleepover

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"You & I will always be unfinished business."


Gorgina Foy P.O.V

I let out a groan as I sit up, this might be the worse night of heat since we arrived and I'm ready to kill myself.

"Good, you're awake." I don't even look at my tent entrance, already knowing who it is.
"Yes, Monty?" I look at my clothes on the floor and then up and Monty and make him the turn around gesture which he follows along.

"You and Bellamy..." He tries to be as indirect as he can be but he sounds pretty obvious and I want to dig up a ditch and die in it.

"Umm." I clear my throat and Monty turns around.
"We're just friends." I don't even look at him as I pick up my blanket and pillow.

"Just friends?" His mumble sounds more like question which I don't really like it.
"What?" I stop before I can more anywhere, looking at him in the eye.

"I don't believe it." I lick my lips and open my mouth. "If we were to have something, he'd make a move by now." It's something I keep thinking when I'm alone, if he were to make a move on me he would have actually made it by now, not in the flirtatious way, more in the way he tried in the past.

"He won't settle down." Monty points out and I bite my tongue from speaking out. He's getting so much attention nowadays and he feels like a god.

"I know." I whisper, grabbing my bed sheet and pillow in hand before making my way out of my tent but not even forty seconds later, I bump into Bellamy. Why is my luck running.

"Careful." Bellamy advice as he holds me steady.
"H-Hi." I close my eyes for a brief second and open them back up.

"Sleeping outside?"
"Yeah, it's way too hot." I say as he takes his hands off me and I try to make sure to forget the place he put them at.

"I'll go with you." He offers and I know we're back to being friends, forget the cuddle and the kiss on the forehead.

"Deal." I follow him back to his tent where he gets his stuff and we put our blankets in front of the campfire, few feet apart from each other but still as close as we can.

I let out a yawn as I lay down and Bellamy follows my movement.
"You miss your parents?" He starts up a conversation but I try my best to look at him without closing my eyes.

"Of course, why wouldn't I?" I lean up, resting my head on my arm.
"They missed you." I look down at my wrist, seeing the wristband still there.
"And this makes sure they know I'm alive and I can't risk losing them all over again." I whisper, voice breaking.

"I'm looking out for you, I told you I would and Murphy's not he-" I cut him off before he can continue.
"I just wish we were back on the Ark, before everything went down."
"It's my fault." Bellamy confesses and I look up, making eye contact.

"No, you and me got into a fight, I was the one who fucked it up by getting drunk."


"Hey." I clear m throat a I look up, seeing no other than Bellamy Blake.
"Aren't you suppose to be on guard duty?" I give him a flirty smile as he comes into my dad's office, thankfully my dad had to meet with Jaha.

"Was." Bellamy replies a he comes deeper, sitting on the chair in front of mine.
"If he sees you." I warn him but he just chuckles.

"He won't." Bellamy assures me but I just shake my head in disagreement.
"Are you sure? Because if I'm correct, he'll be coming in through the door in... Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and one." And when I say one, the doors open up and Bellamy's face goes to nervous but it's no other than Anthony.

"Well, that was fun while it lasted." I giggle, looking at Bellamy.
"Not fun." He says as he gets up, fixing his jacket.

"Bellamy." Anthony's voice sounds so threatening that if I was him, I would shit myself.
"Yeah, you should probably go before my dad actually comes." I whisper as I stand up, not realizing the gap between us.

"Gorg-" I look at Anthony which makes him shut his mouth, I know what to do.
"I'll walk him out." And with that, I go first and Bellamy follows after me.

"You should watch your every move, with Anthony keeping an eye on you." I warn him as we stop in front of the doors.

"I'll be good." He assures me.
"You promise?" I ask as he starts walking away but he turns around.
"I promise."


"We should probably forget about it, we started a whole new life." I point out, moving both hands to my side and my head against the pillow.

"You don't like-" But I cut hi off once again.
"We can't remember what we lost, it'll become our weakness. We've got to live life in the now and the now is earth no matter how much I'm against with." I close my eyes as I speak, and by the end of the sentence sleep has taken over me.


Small chapter but apart from that, I leave tomorrow for London & Germany until late August so I'll probably be writing most of the time there and publishing when I get wifi.

Small chapter but apart from that, I leave tomorrow for London & Germany until late August so I'll probably be writing most of the time there and publishing when I get wifi

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