I Gave Everything And I Lost It All

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Harry walked with Mal, weaving inside and out of the shadows. It wasn't that he didn't want to be seen with Mal. He just didn't want to give people ideas before he knew that she was back for good, and what exactly happened to her back in Auradon. 

When they arrived at the apartment, Harry guided Mal up the stairs. He couldn't understand why she looked so broken. Why she was so heartbroken. He had warned her before she ever left. He had told her that though they might be criminals by blood, it was them- the people living in Auradon that were the real villains. They had confined even the children of villains to the Isle. They had let the kids on the Isle to be raised the way that they were. Because no one was born evil. They became. 

Mal just sank to the ground once she entered the apartment. She knew that she had Harry with her, but she had never felt so alone. She had never felt so... pathetic. She was crying to the guy that she had left. She felt so pathetic. Mal had broken Harry's heart and now that she was heartbroken, she went to him, hoping that he could help her.

Harry entered the apartment seconds later after her once he had determined that no one around would actually bother with them to find Mal on the ground. Her shoulders were shaking as silent, uncontrollable tears fell. Her mouth opened as the pain hit her at full force. But no sound came out. 

Harry shook his head. Maybe it was because they both had been raised as VK's and hadn't known the good that Mal had been exposed to, but he knew that the heartbreak that he had felt hadn't even been close to what she was going through. He walked towards her and scooped her up like a small child before walking to the couch and sitting down with her sitting on him. 

"The least you can do is sit on the couch where it's more comfortable, Mal," he said with a sad smile. 

She buried her head into his chest not caring about the tears that got on his jacket and shirt. She didn't want to cry in front of Harry. She had wanted to settle things between them. And if he had killed her for coming back, then she had deserved it. She would have really deserved it. Because she finally understood how much she had hurt him. 

"Is this your way of telling me that you'll do my laundry for me?" Harry asked her in attempt to try to get her to stop crying. 

He heard her let out a soft chuckle. He smiled down at her. "I hate that you're so cheesy," she mumbled into his chest. She hated that he knew how to make her laugh and smile. She hated that he was still so nice to her after all that she put him through.

"You know you love it," he said with a cocky grin this time. "Otherwise, you wouldn't have laughed. And wasn't that the reason that you went out with me in the first place?" he asked her. Because years ago, she had admitted to him that the reason that she went out with him was because he had an actual sense of humor. And he was someone that she trusted to have her back in the worst situations. He might be a VK, but he was loyal to the people that deserved or had earned his trust. 

"I also hate that you remember that," she mumbled as she closed her eyes. She was so tired. She was so mentally exhausted from the day's events. But she didn't want to go to sleep. She found that when she fell asleep after being mentally exhausted, rather than physically exhausted, she had dreams that weren't dreams at all. They were either really weird, or they didn't sit well with her. And the last thing that she needed was a dream that didn't sit well with her and was about Ben. "Harry, why does it hurt when you get your heart broken?" she asked, genuinely curious about the pain that she felt. 

"I don't know Mal," he said. 

More tears flooded out. "I literally did everything to try to please him, but it still wasn't enough for him. I loved him so much, and now..." she let out a choked sob. "It hurts so much, Harry. It hurts so freaking much. They say it's all in our heads, but I don't think that it is. I think that we actually feel it sometimes." 

Harry pulled her closer to him. And she finally let everything out. With him, she didn't need to keep up her walls. She let all of her pain and anguish out at once. "I... I did everything. I gave him everything," she said in between sobs. "And I lost it. I lost it all in a moment. I lost it all within seconds. And I don't think that I'm ever going to get it back."

He took a breath in, considering his next words very carefully. He didn't want to upset her even more than she was. "You might not get the love that you had with him back. You might never even feel that kind of love again, Mal. But... I think that if you try, you can find a different type of love. Something that's different, but the same."

Because the love that he had for her years ago was gone. It was replaced by something else. Something... better. 

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