Time To Have Some Fun

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Mal would have panicked. She would have screamed and cried. She would have broken down into a total mess. But she didn't. And there were three reasons for that.

One: she had to be strong in front of the man that had destroyed everything for her. She would not give him the satisfaction of seeing her tears- she would not give him the satisfaction of seeing her in pain.

Two: Mal knew she had at least three people standing behind her. She knew they wouldn't judge her for breaking down, but she also knew that they gave her strength. She knew that Harry's presence made her feel- for the first time in a long time -safe.

And three: She had a plan to follow. And Ben might've arrived sooner than she had anticipated, but she had to stick with her plan.

"Welcome to the Isle, Your Majesty," Mal said sarcastically, giving Ben a mock bow. "Now, if you wouldn't mind...leave." Mal had rehearsed everything over and over again. She knew what to expect from him. He opened his mouth to respond. No doubt to tell her that she had no right to talk to him in such a manner. "Even if I say that," she said, cutting him off completely, "I know that you won't agree to such a thing, so how about a nice welcome party from all of your citizens on the Isle?" 

Even if he had said no, she wasn't giving him a choice. There was no way that she was going to get this kind of opportunity twice in a life time. She would take advantage of everything she was given; one of the many lessons she was taught while she lived on the rotting island. 

With a snap of Mal's fingers, he was immediately somewhere else on the Isle. She turned to the other three once with a wicked smile on her face. "Time to have some fun," she said before snapping her fingers again, and they all ended up in their planned places. 


"Mal!" Ben yelled, as he tried to shoulder his way through the door for the umpteenth time. "Stop this nonsense now!" He was pissed. He had come to apologize for his behavior, and she had put him in a room that smelled like rotting fish guts and puke.

But like the other times, there was no response and the door wouldn't open. He had a bad feeling about what was happening. "Mal won't be coming," a voice said. It was low, and Ben knew the person behind the voice. Had met him when he had come to the Isle once before. He had held Ben at sword-point, and had been willing to push him into the shark-infested waters of the Isle. 

"Harry," Ben growled. It was that man's fault that everything ended up the way it did. 

"I know you want me gone, Your Majesty," Harry said in a neutral tone, but couldn't help himself from spitting the boy's title out with hate. "I also know that you want to blame everything that happened on me, but I must say...You did  a fine job making her hate you all on your own."

Ben shook his head, trying to deny everything that Harry was saying. "You don't know anything," Ben said with such hate that he almost sounded like someone from the Isle. "You don't know what I had to do to get to this point. You don't know how hard it was to pretend that everything was fine, and yet I'm made out to be the bad guy."

Harry let out a low chuckle. "And why shouldn't you? You hurt her," Harry said, and he knew that he didn't need to say Mal's name for the king to know who he was talking about. "You hurt her because...what? Why did you do it? Even before you were put under Uma's damn spell. You hurt her. All she did was try. She tried to make everything work, but you wouldn't possibly understand that. You wouldn't understand how hard it was for her to pretend that she was okay. You wouldn't understand how much pain you put her through that night. It was the first time that I had ever seen her cry." 

That was a lie, actually. He had seen her cry once more before. That had been the last night that she had spent with him before she left him for that place that her mother had sent her to just to get  Fairy Godmother's wand, but he wouldn't let the king know that. He also would make sure that Mal would never cry out of pain or sadness again, and if that meant killing the king with his bare hands, so be it.  

Ben didn't reply. Harry didn't want or expect him to. "Now, it's time for a little pay back."

"You can't touch me," Ben said cockily. 

That was true. Harry couldn't touch the king, but the king was in his turf; his island. There was no way that he would get out of this place unscathed. "No, but there are many people who are stuck on this island because of your parents that would love to get their hands on you. My father, being one of them," Harry said before he turned around and headed out the door. "Good luck surviving Mal's wrath. And I do hope you can join us at the very end, so don't go dying in the first game."

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