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015. My Coming Out Story

My family is very conservative and generally unaccepting to every liberal, democrat, LGBT+, and immigrant they come across.

I am nothing like them at all, to be perfectly honest.

About a month ago, I came out to them in a fit of insanity.

I told them I was a lesbian, and I got very mixed responses from my parents.

My mother was mostly okay with it. She just wanted grandchildren. (She's not getting them either though. Don't tell her that.)

My step-father, on the other hand, refused to believe I was a lesbian. He said at worst, I was bisexual because I had commented in the past I found Chris Evans attractive.

Other than that, he said that I was just a hormonal teenager who just hadn't met the right guy yet.

He says he's okay with it, but I honestly don't believe him. This is the same man who fetishes lesbians and says gays and those that are tran are disgusting because it goes against nature.

To be perfectly honest, I really wish I hadn't told him this.

But whatever, I can't change the past now.

When I leave home permanently, I plan on buying something similar to this and leaving in it.

Mostly as a fuck you to my step-father

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Mostly as a fuck you to my step-father.

Moral of the Story:
Don't be a dumbass like me and come out when you're safe and ready!

( This was thought out a lot better in my mind but whatever )

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