2: First Case

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 Korena awoke another day a few months later at a time that many people would consider early, about 4:30 in the morning, but for her, it was just a standard day at her new job. Korena had completed her training at the police academy not too long ago and got a job as an officer at the Hope Police Department. It took her a few minutes to get out of bed before getting her uniform out of the closet. The crisp deep blue uniform had just been pressed, there were no creases to be seen on either the pants or the shirt. The Exo quickly got out of her pajamas and slipped into the shirt and pants. The Consensus made sure that their officers were well equipped for the job and whatever was required of them to keep the city safe when guardians could not.

Korena reached into her closet again and grabbed her armored chest plate with the police department's sigil on the left side over her power core. The police were quite particular about what their badge should look like, and decided that the Traveler with rays of light protruding from behind it and the city underneath was a perfect fit. The armor itself was just a part of the package, each officer was also given a few weapons, a sidearm painted black from Hakke was just one of them. Hakke was a favorite of the department ever since it was reestablished after the war. Their weapons were simplistic and got the job done, what more could an officer ask for?

Twelve rounds of ammo were always in the gun, just in case any incidents arose. Though Hakke was never good at making weapons that could simply stun a target, that's where the Omolon sidearm came into play. It was necessary for the department to try their best to detain suspects rather than kill them outright. The Omolon Takedown was their best bet. The Takedown has a similar function to a fusion rifle, all an officer has to do in order to use it is aim, hold down the trigger, and the Takedown will do the rest. Korena took these weapons out of a gun safe she had on the bottom of her closet and set them down on her bed for a moment. She grabbed her belt with two holsters on it, as well as other standard issue Hope Department tech.

She put the belt through the loops of her pants and picked up the guns, inspecting them to make sure that nothing about them was amiss. It was common practice for her now to check these each morning before she went on patrol, just so that they functioned the way that they were supposed to. After a brief inspection Korena grabbed her police cap and put the guns in their holsters. This wasn't her first day on the job, but it was a new one. She grabbed her Suros phone and slipped it into her pocket and walked out the door after locking it. She mounted up the Sparrow that was at the front of her house and sped off toward the Precinct where she worked. The streets were quiet, unlike the times when she'd drive to the store and grab food for herself, she kinda liked it that way, it gave her time to think.

After passing underneath the sleek curvature of many of Hope's Skyscrapers, she arrived at the stucco building, with the sigil of the department and the flags of Hope and the Confederation of Planets flying high outside. She dismounted her sparrow and walked up to the door waving her badge in front of the locks that were automatic until about eight in the morning. With a whirr the locks unfurled and the door was able to be opened. Korena pushed in and looked around noticing that there were few people in the building, though the significant smell of hot pockets lead her to believe that the Police Chief was in. She walked up to the door to his office and there he was: Wyatt-04.

Wyatt-04 was a fairly broad Exo, one with a taste for hot pockets, and a coffee drinker. Wyatt is a fairly big Exo in terms of how broad he was regarding how far apart his shoulders were from one another. His chassis was black with a few pieces of it being white around his face, almost as if there were a beard painted there. To the left of his desk was a paper plate with a hot pocket with a bite on it and steam from the heat ascended into the air in the immediate area around it. He appeared to be busy, looking through the datapad on his person not noticing that Korena had come in. He set down the Suros data pad for just a moment and looked up at Korena.

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