A little meeting

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All you remembered was... Was... Nothing really.. You knew your name.. You had a sister, a mom, and grandma.. But... Where are you? You couldn't tell or remember. You didn't know where your family had gone.. You felt.. Weird. Your legs hurt, your head hurt... Actually, your head was pounding. Like your brain was trying to escape you. You sighed as you got up.. But you stumbled and fell onto the ground. Your got up once again, and winced in pain as you felt like you were stepping on thumbtacks. You breathed in and out very heavily. The place around you looked like it was built very poorly, like it was falling apart at the seams... Where was... The.. What was it? The... What? You sighed, as the pain in your feet subsided and you can maybe think.. "So.. What was that.. Thing?" You tried to remember... You walked around seeing a couple of cardboard cutouts looking like it. "Y-Yes, this thing!" You smiled and looked at it and looked around to see weather you could find something that had his name on it.. And surprisingly there were posters everywhere... Yet.. God, the lighting, and the way everything was put made you feel sick.. You saw black lining spreading throughout the place you were in as you heard crazed laughter while it spoke. "I hope you knoooww... If you left the room where you were.... I WILL FIND YOU.." It's voice deepened at the last statement. You peeked around the corner as it was looking away, and then it turned back to see you. You brought your head back quickly and didn't look back.. You could feel his breath lingering from the corner. You held your breath as a hand quickly grabbed your throat as you gasped in for one final breath as it brought you around the corner and brought you to its face, lifting you off the ground. You gripped it's hand and pounded on it trying to make it let go. It brought you closer to it as 'he' as the voice you could tell it was a man... He brought you close to him and let go of you as you fell to the ground. Apparently he had seen something because he went to go chase it off. Once he was gone, you ran and found another room... A dead... Dog? You saw a poster with the name of this cartoon. You laughed at yourself. "Hahahah!!! Oh my God!!! Ha!!!" You then saw the black lining that appeared. "So.... Your laughing at him?!" You turned around in fear as he approached you. "N-No s-" he then grabbed your wrist and brought you close. "I thought it wasn't polite to laugh at sad things." He picked you up bridal style and tossed you over his shoulder. You coughed a little as you pounded on his back. "L-Let me down.. You.. You Beast!!!" You screamed into its non-existent ear. You breathed heavily as he shook his head and kept walking until you came upon the room you first woke up in. He closed his hand, and then put it to yours. You felt dizzy, and you couldn't wrap your head around what was going on again... What was going on? Why was this demonic, inky being doing this to you. Before your eyes shut, the only thing you could remember was his signature smile...

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