the official f00king Karma-Chan look

52 4 8

*Who are you?

*What does 'shit' mean?

*Did you like my colors? (Raise your hands up)

You ask the two strangers who they are. The goopy one coughs, and the garbage ca--girl looks to the side.

"None of your concern!" She said.

You knew she was fucking lying. You had grown used to knowing when someone was lying because your father did it to your mother all the time. Always saying he was going to work and not seeing someone else.

You were to retarded to see what it truly meant though.


*Who are you?

*What does 'shit' mean?

*Did you like my colors? (Raise your hands up)

You ask them what the strange word means. Your mother shouts it all the time when she's baking but you hAVE NO FREAKING IDEA WHAT IT MEANS--

"It means--"

"You shouldn't be asking that shit, kid." The girl said, slapping a pale hand over the goopy guys mouth.

And she used it again.

The goopy-stick-out-of-bacc guy shoved her away, and knelt in front of you down to your level.

"It means poop, but in a different way. And it's a wonderful word. You should use it all the time. I use it a lot."

The girl screamed loudly at him to stop. You blinked at the stick-bacc guy, not knowing who to trust.

"Try saying...or, I mean, sounding it out yourself.!"


What do you do?

*Follow Goopy-Man's instructions and say the word

*Follow the girls instructions and don't say the word


*Who are you?

*What does 'shit' mean?

*Did you like my colors? (Raise your hands up)

You ask them your question, waving your hands up with your palms outstretched towards them, smiling.

"It looks disgusting. You're a failure."

"It looks fine!"

You don't know what to say.

What should you do?


*Roast the shit out of this d00d like lolol who tf does he think he is, dissing your f00king colors there m8 XDD

*Kick him in the shins

A/N: mmmmm luk at this bootifu--garbage person that will most likely be my persona thingy until le end of time

A/N: mmmmm luk at this bootifu--garbage person that will most likely be my persona thingy until le end of time

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2018 ⏰

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