chapter 1

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"Heres a question for you. What do kids need more a Father or a Dad? Whats the diffrence? The way I see it, darn near anyone can be a father, but not everyone has the patience or the devotion to be a dad. As for me."

"Anyone caught a monarch yet" Brad asks walking around near a tree.

"...I've always wanted to be dad. Let me tell you I love it."

"Yeah!" brad shouts loudly both hands in the air holding a clipboard for his gaming strategys for basketball.

"And I love my ford flex. It treats me to a smooth ride, and you know what? It didn't break the bank. Room enough for the whole family. Yes I love being a dad. And I love these three adorable little rain of sunshines."

"Hey, dylan! Good morning." Brad says to Dylan after he finishes packing the lunch bags.

"Whatever," Dylan says dismisivley to Brad as he walks by.

"Okay I'm not their real dad."

"Good morning MR.Whitaker" Megan says as he walks up to Brad to hand him something.

"Whitaker" says Emma with a nod as she walks by with her Ps Vita playing Mortal Combat.

"I'm their step dad."

"Good morning Emma, Megan" Brad says as he turns towards Megan.

"Can you please put this on the fridge?" Megan asks handing him a beige paper.

"Well, sure. Did you do another drawing of our family?" Brad says kneeling down.

"That's me and Dylan, Emma and Mommy." She says pointing out the people in the picture.

"So great." Brad compliments her.

"And over here, far, far away, is you." She says now pointing at Brad in the picture.

"OoO And am I wearing a baseball cap?" He asks.

"That's the knife in your head 'cause I was killing you in the eye." She says looking at Brad.

"Oh I see. Well, I love how you drew my hair." Brad comments.

"Thats Poop." She says walking away from him.

"Well, it's well-drawn. And I'm guessing it's dog poop?" Brad says watching her walk away.

"That's homeless man poop." Megan says now seated at the table with Dylan and Emma.

"Oh, All right." Brad says standing up.

"I actually can't father my own children, ever since . I hit al little snafu at a dental office."


"I've got a little bit of a gag reflex." Brad says sitting in a dental chair.

"Close your eyes, breathe through your nose,you'll be fine." says the young dentist on his phone. The dentist clicks on the machine after it had moved from brads mouth to his privates.

"You got a really weird tongue. You need to floss better." The dentist says looking at the X-Ray.The Dentist continues to click on the button for the X-Ray.

"Hey." Brad finally looks down after opening his eyes and starts to freak out.

*Flashback End*

"Ever since then, my testicals have been more decorative than anything else. And I thought I'd Never have a family."

Brad walks to the stairs and then looks up at his wife.

"Until I met a stunning mom named Sara. Would you look at her?"

Brad watches Sara walk down the stairs smiling at her.

"I am one lucky so-and-so. I hit the Jackpot."

"Hi" Sara says as she gets to the bottom of the stairs.

"Hi" Brad says back to her

"Sorry I'm taking so long." Sara says as she walks down and continues to get ready to leave. "I have to show that Sixty West building to those new clients."

"I know." Brad says.

"Oh, my God! The kids' lunches." Sara freaks out a bit.

"Already packed. I wrote them little inspirational notes to start them on their day." Brad calms her down. "They've already eaten their breakfasts, and you look perfect."

"You are amazing" Sara says as she reaches up and kisses Brad.

"Look at this, huh? Another family drawing." Brad says enthusiastically.

"No. I am so sorry." Sara shakes her head upset.

"No, I think you're misunderstanding. This is the first drawing where I'm not dead already." Brad says happy. "Sure I've got a knife in my eye and some homeless man poop on my head, but this is showing real progress. I think she's starting to accept me"

"You can find the good in just about anything." Sara smiles up at him. "I love that about you. You know that?"

"Thanks." Brad says than kisses Sara.

(AN// This movie is one of my favourites and I hope to do it justice. depending on how well I feel I may start writing it from Emmas point of view and the chapter lengths may vary from time to time.)

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